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At the age of 10 my routine should just consist of, wake up, go to school, come home, do homework, then finally go to sleep. And then repeat.

In between I expect things like coming home from school and dad already had food set out on the table for me. He knows how exhausting school can be so he allows me to take a nap before I do anything else. While my mom comes home late at night like always so I won't have to deal with any of her attitude.

Imagine my surprise when coming home to see your dad dead on the kitchen floor.

Slit throat.

Blood pouring out from underneath him.

Eyes still open.

Such an empty face. To sit there and realize his soul has left the body and I didn't get the chance to say goodbye.

To be honest how would I have known to do such a thing. Yes I knew my mother was crazy and didn't like neither one of us. At one point she loved him. She had too.

So exactly when did that switch flip?

What exactly caused it?

I didn't have much time to ponder on it because she comes running inside the kitchen with certain supplies.

"Why the fuck are you home?" She doesn't give me time to answer either because she then makes me help her dispose of my father.

First she took out some bags and deemed it fit she would cut him into small pieces. I knew she grew up with a father who butchered pigs for living, but to see the skills come into place.

It fucks with a kids mind i'll tell you that much.

She didn't even let me turn away. She made me hold  down his body while she sawed through his lifeless skin and bones.

She made me pick up my dads dead body pieces and throw them into the many trash bags she had.

She made me go grab a shovel as we placed dirt on top of the trash bags placed 6ft under the ground. Knowing he was in the trash bags in such a complete mess made me skip so many dinners.

She also didn't forget to tell me how I would probably be next if I didn't obey her.

She didn't give a damn of what I just saw. Made me still go to school the next day.

I honestly thought she was going to get away with it until my teachers noticed me acting a bit off. I wasn't talking as much and also noticed some bruising on my arms. I had got them from my mother now being able to hit me all she wanted without my dad coming in to stop her.

My teacher had me stay after class so the cops can go investigate and make the decision if I was able to go back home to her.

Thankfully, I never got the chance to step back in that house.

It had been maybe a week or two since my mother killing my dad so the body was in that state of decomposing. The horrid smell got the cops to have a look into the backyard. Accompanied with some dogs they dug up my father.

c - r - a - z - y. Ateez {YunhoxMingi}Where stories live. Discover now