Chapter 7: Truth of Life

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Y/N P.O.V.

I wake up from my slumber next to the witch who tried to kill me. She's unconscious, and I'm alone in the tent with her. I notice the bandages on my torso, and make a note to myself. I'm going to have to thank them for patching me up. I get up from my sleeping bag, and get dressed, wrapping my lightsaber braces onto my wrists, and attaching the lightsabers to the braces, allowing my baggy sleeves to hide the sabers. I can't help but think about my short lecture from my ancestor about my crippled connection to the force. Darth Revan was right. I have allowed my fear to thin my connection to the force. I feel weaker. I've been feeling weaker ever since the beginning. I've allowed my connection to start breaking. I have to do something to fix it.

The girls come in just as I finish getting dressed. They look at me in mild shock before smiling. 

(Y/N) - Good evening. It feels good to be among the living again.

(Kurumu) - Y/N! You're awake!

(Mizore) - That's good. I was starting to get worried.

They surprisingly refrain from hugging me. Likely to remain aware of my recent injury.

I can never figure it out. What do these girls see in me? What, out of all the other students at Yokai, makes me so special?

(Y/N) - Out of curiosity, what happened after I passed out? I remember feeling  pain in my back, and then... nothing.

Better not tell them about my lecture from my ancestor. I don't want to worry them. Besides, I have to keep up this facade. If they find out I'm human...

Don't get me wrong, I've faced long odds before. But these girls aren't stormtroopers. They're monsters. All of which could put me down with ease. And I wouldn't be able to come back.

(Yukari) - I think we overcharged her. When monsters fight, they release energy, as per the nature of their powers in one form or another. Their energy output is affected by their emotions. When Ruby hurt you, everyone got really angry, and a large flow of energy just spilled out as the dam broke. Large amounts of energy came from Moka, as her monster side made a lot of attempts to escape the rosary.

(Y/N) - Interesting...

Moka hands me a canned iced coffee. She must have pulled it from the cooler before I woke up.

(Moka) - I thought you'd be thirsty when you woke up.

I take it from her, and crack it open.

(Y/N) - Thanks.

I take a large swig, before taking a breath.

(Ruby) - Ngghh... Where...?

We all turn to see Ruby stirring from her light slumber, and try to give her some space while she reorients herself.

(Y/N) - Good evening. How was your rest?

She looks at me in shock, before a look of realization dawns on her face, she tries to get up, only to feel the cool tea can against her forehead. A little sleight of hand never hurt anybody.

(Y/N) - We thought you'd be thirsty, so we got you some tea.

She gingerly takes the tea, and... doesn't open it. She's cautious, I get it.

(Ruby) - If you think you can buy me off, you've got another thing coming.

(Y/N) - If I wanted to buy you off, I'd have gotten you more than tea. We just wanna hear your story.

She looks at me surprised.

(Ruby) - You... do?

(Y/N) - I mean, why the hell not? Tell us about that hill. It seems like a nice place. You made it obvious that it was important to you.

Truth of Soul. (A Rosario+Vampire x Jedi Male Reader fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now