17: Back in Full Force

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She lets her eyes roll, not fully opening the texts so they don't show as read. At least he still remembered to check in that she was safe walking home, even though his second text wasn't quite cute. Blake appreciates it nonetheless.

Ava smiles at her from the kitchen when she walks in, hanging her coat by the door and moving to fill up her water. "Thought you had plans with Ethan tonight?"

"So did I," Blake snorts, tossing her bottle cap in the air. "It turns out he's busy."

"And... are you guys good?"

"I'm annoyed. But I'll get over it," she sighs, dropping her keys on the counter. "I should probably work on the newspaper and send some emails out for the Student Community anyway."

Her friend sends her a small wave, watching her trudge into her room. Blake grabs her laptop and curls up in bed, pulling on one of Ethan's shirts before she does. Remembering she hasn't texted him yet, she reaches for her phone.

Blake: I'm home safe
Ethan: no titty pic?
Blake: No, sorry
Ethan: are you okay chérie?
Blake: I'm fine
Blake: Working on the newspaper
Ethan: are you mad at me?
Ethan: you're not putting in the effort to text me in lowercase
Blake: I'm not mad
Blake: Tired
Ethan: chérie.

Not typing in lowercase is what gets him worried? Blake shakes her head and resumes typing on her laptop with a roll of her eyes.

She's never been the type of person to second-guess herself, or let her feelings be invalidated before. Right now, she's worried she's acting irrationally annoyed and dr want to say anything to him about it in case she is, because that would probably only cause more problems.

Part of her is saying just brush it off, it isn't a big deal. The other part is saying that she should communicate how it made her feel, and that she shouldn't have to worry about Ethan being upset with her because of it; they should be able to talk about things like that.

Whatever she does, she needs to make a decision and stop overthinking it so much. Blake doesn't like feeling like this--and Ethan is still texting her.

Ethan: chérie?
Ethan: blake
Ethan: fucking answer me please
Blake: don't you have shit you're supposed to be doing?
Ethan: i can multitask
Ethan: what's wrong? what did i do?
Ethan: because i can tell that you're mad at me for something
Ethan: so spill
Blake: I'm not MAD I'm just annoyed lmao
Blake: if you're gonna invite me over just to fuck you can at least make that clear instead of just kicking me out after you cum a few times
Ethan: i didn't kick you out!
Ethan: i said you could hang and nap in my bed if you really wanted to
Ethan: ...realizing how that sounds
Blake: it's not a huge deal I'm just annoyed about it right now, I'll get over it though
Ethan: i'm sorry Blake :(
Ethan: can i come over after frat stuff and make it up to you?
Blake: Sure.

By the time Ethan is making his way to Blake's apartment, it's about midnight. Things went a little later than planned, but he isn't going to ditch her now.

He was already a bit tired when Blake left, but after everything he had to do, he's now exhausted. His feet drag on the asphalt as he speed-walks, just trying to get there faster and hoping that she's still awake.

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