"My sister called him! Pay attention" Taylor snaps trying to get around me.

"Taylor! Calm down where is Rollins"? I ask her seriously.

"Kitchen floor. You have to tell these guys Robert is stalking Kenzie, they clearly don't believe me" She growls glaring at the cop.

"This guy has physically assaulted Mackenzie Rollins and is now stalking her! Do something about it" I order using my 'I'm in charge' voice.

"Yes sir" The young cop stutters walking out the door.

"Oh god? Were you about to leave"? Taylor gasps.

"No we were running drills" I tell her looking down realizing I'm still in my gear.

"She almost kicked hurt them Jason, if I hadn't told her to go to the kitchen I'm not sure what she would've have done" Taylor shakes her head nervously rubbing her hands together.

"Lock the door" I sigh making my way over to the kitchen.

I sigh again when I see her huddled up in the corner of two cabinets knees hugged to her chest, I sit down across from her and wait.

"How is it that I can deal with the worst people in this world has to offer but this makes me want to crawl under a rock and never come out"? She wonders after a while.

"When you are dealing with those bad guys it's not personal. This, what's happening now is personal" I answer leaning my head back on the cabinet door.

"I'm not there. I'm in my own house it shouldn't be happening in my damn house Jason" She snaps.

"You're right it shouldn't" I agree wishing to hell it wasn't happening things were supposed to be better, she's on Bravo. Not feeling she isn't safe in her own home.

"Were you getting spun up"? She asks pointing at my gear.

"Nope just drills" I clarify dusting off my pants.

"Do you have to go back to the range"? She hedges looking at me over her glasses.

"Nope" I shake my head thankfully that eases the nervousness in her eyes.

We sit there for a while longer then Rollins heads for the couch while I call Blackburn not trusting the local cops to actually get anything done.

"What the hell Jason? You ran off the range in the middle of a training exercise"? Blackburn rants.

"You remember when I mentioned Robert Acker"? I gloss right over his mini rant cutting right to the chase.

"The guy giving Rollins trouble"? He asks.

"Yeah he's stalking her and today he was in her house" I explain.

There's a pause on the line probably him collecting his thoughts after the initial shock.

"Police involved"? He questions.

"Yeah but the ones who responded are idiots" I mutter rubbing the back of my neck frustratedly.

"I'll make some calls" Blackburn offers.

"Thanks" I end the call.

"I've got spare clothes in my truck I'll be right back" I say to both Rollins women.

Mackenzie Rollins point of view
Jason emerges from the main level half bath wearing blue jeans, a light grey t-shirt and a plaid shirt over it. He joins me at the kitchen island where I'm pouring a cup of hot chocolate to warm me up now that I'm suddenly feeling cold and exposed.

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