Bryan and Vanessa...

Start from the beginning

As Vanessa is spending her time holidaying in Los Angeles, Bryan is spending time with his sister Laura. By chance, Bryan runs into Laura once again in a convenience store. Both of them are surprised to see each other.

"What have you been doing in LA for like two weeks? Had fun visiting the city?" asked Bryan.

"No, not at all," said Vanessa, "I wanted someone to travel with but no one travelled with me."

"Oh that's a pity," remarked Bryan, "But hey, while you're here, why don't we go out somewhere? It will be fun!"

"Yeah sure," said an excited Vanessa, "Let's go!"

The two of them go out that night and return to Laura's apartment. Laura is excited to see Vanessa, and the two of them bond and have fun.  A few days later, Bryan and Vanessa are leaving for Summerfield. Before Bryan leaves, Laura embraces her brother and wishes to say a few words to him.

"Bryan, I have a very good feeling that your endless search for Mrs. Right might be coming to an end soon. You've just found her already," said a very excited Laura.

"What do you mean Laura?" asked Bryan.

"Well," began Laura, "I had a dream last night. A really nice one. And in that dream, you and Vanessa were husband and wife. And I think that might be true!"

Bryan was immensely happy at his sister's words. In the flight, he realizes that he has fallen in love with Vanessa. But he is just waiting for the right time to tell Vanessa his feelings.

At the airport, Bryan has something to say to Vanessa.

"Vanessa, there's something I need to tell you. I've been wanting to tell this for a long time."

"What is it Bryan?"

"I love you. I've been loving you for a long time already. And what Laura told me totally makes me feel that you're the right woman in my life." He then kissed her on the lips.

But Vanessa pulls away from him, by stating "What are you doing to me Bryan? Is this how you're supposed to treat me? Do you think that you can just fall in love after meeting  me a few times?"

Bryan was shocked. Here he was, believing that Vanessa was the one, but it has deceived him again.

"I don't believe in love at all, to be honest. My mother keeps on nagging me to marry someone, but I don't want to. There isn't anything such as finding the right one. We have to enjoy our lives instead of wallowing about the one out there. My high-flying life is going to be ruined if I get married to you," said Vanessa.

"Goodbye Bryan," said Vanessa again, "It was really nice knowing you and I really hope you find true love." They part ways sadly as Bryan concludes that he will never find the right woman.

After parting ways, Vanessa finds that she can't stop thinking about Bryan and how he must have felt after she rejected him. She can't forget Bryan's words that she is the "one". She then decides to call him to apologize for being too harsh. To her dismay, Bryan is unable to be reached. She contacts Laura, who states that she is in Paris to attend a wedding, revealed to be Bryan's. Vanessa is heartbroken to learn that she is married, and finds herself in love with Bryan, despite her earlier beliefs contradicting this.

Vanessa flies to Paris and calls Bryan, demanding to meet him at the Eiffel Tower.

"Bryan, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I've fallen in love with you." She kisses him on the lips.

However, this time its Bryan who pulls away.

"I can't do this Vanessa. When I told you that I loved you, you rejected me. And that's why I'm getting married. I'm just sick of finding Mrs. Right. I know that she is standing in front of me but I really can't pull out of the wedding. I'm sorry, Vanessa," says Bryan as he walks away.

"Wait!" screams Vanessa. She goes to him and gives him a kiss, believing that she won't meet him again. However, it results in the total opposite, as it leads in the both of them spending the night together at a hotel.

 The next morning, Bryan can't seem to remember where he is but soon realizes what has happened. Dreadfully, he leaves for his wedding with full of remorse, bidding farewell to Vanessa as he believes that this is the end of the road for them.

During the wedding, he has second thoughts and realizes that he is making a mistake by leaving Vanessa. He explains to Laura that he needs to get together with Vanessa, who in turn supports him by telling him to go and get her. Laura explains the predicament to the parents while Bryan races to the airport in time to meet Vanessa. At the airport, Vanessa's flight is about to leave but Bryan manages to stop her in time. Vanessa knows that Bryan is in love with her, and with no obstacles left in their journey together, they share a long and passionate kiss. They promise each other not to leave each other in time of sorrow and misfortune. But would they really stick together during misfortune?

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