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Harry James Potter has an unusually difficult life. Having encountered death in the face multiple times and walked out the victor, Harry hopes for a calm resume to his education at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Most everything is calm in the beginning of the summer of his fourth year. An odd peace settled over Harry as the events from the previous months soak in. After saving Sirius Black, his godfather and only living family's life at the hands of dementors, Harry hopes that that squabble in particular was his last suspenseful event for many ages to come. But as he contemplates "whats next?" he is hit square in the jaw with reality. The reality that he will never be able to live a normal life, as normal as a wizards life can be that is. Harry Potter can never live a life of relaxation and typical problems a teenage boy should face, because of one person, Lord Voldemort. Also known as He-who-must-not-be-named, Voldemort lives! Maybe not in a physical incarnation or form, but he is certainly present in the universe, and as long as that is so, Harry Potter can never be peace, or live a normal wizard life. Is Harry is doomed to live in fear his entire life?

Harry Potter and the Eternal Battle: a Harry Potter Fan NovelWhere stories live. Discover now