Springtime Lovers Whisper Secrets To Each Other

Start from the beginning

"I suppose so," Taehyung speaks louder, not so thorough about the noise he's making. The library is empty, not as filled as its dusty stack of unattended books. Jungkook adverts back to the speaker, head idly swaying. "But I do think her love was not the romantic kind."


There's silence yet again, the clamours of marching men resounding shamelessly across the pointed ceilings. But little racket was made from Jungkook's own chatters, trying to keep up to his own fickle awareness.

Taehyung doesn't seem contented with the shilly-shally pauses in between, so he asks again, willing to converse with the younger despite his load of unfinished essays, "What brought this on? Did you have a dream about it."

"Yeah..." Jungkook grunts, stretching his sore shoulders with the flex of an extended arm. He stills almost instantly when a crack is heard, finally popping a sleepy muscle. "And about the fire too."

"Jungkook, darling –"

"I-it's fine." He tells quickly, arms wiggling around in clarification. They fall just as fast they have resurfaced, leaning close to Jungkook's lap. "I'm alright now, Jimin-hyung helped me sleep through it."


There's a deafening bustle in the way Taehyung switches position, back stiffer than before as he turns another page from his references. His own quilt staggers, dragging a long, bulky line at the end of his sentence. Jungkook makes a questioning hum, evidently perplexed by the change in his tone.

"Say..." Taehyung confidently recants his lack of response with a blunt save, evading the younger's puzzled glances. "If you were to make a continuation of that story, how would you like it to end?"

This makes the omega rustle with intrigue, mind unexpectedly equipped to imagine the most probable outcome.

"The wolf doesn't die." Jungkook begins, legs swaying with deep judgement. "He lives, gets reunited with his pack and then builds a home with them. He meets another wolf, falls in love and mates with her."

"And the moon?"

Suddenly, Jungkook is immersed.

"She realises her mistake and apologises to the wolf, granting him a blessing — and then they part ways."

"What's the blessing?"

Suddenly, Taehyung is too.

"A family."

Taehyung furrows his brows, stumped by the younger's words. "Doesn't seem like a happy ending to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, what about the moon?"

"Ah," A friendly tsk, one that proceeds to manifest into a full-blown grumble – and then Jungkook supplies a simple reason, "The moon doesn't fall in love...or, she can't."

Taehyung huffs at that, too distracted to get back into his writing. "That's a little unfair." He then proposes an alternative, "Tell you what, the lonely moon travels across the sky —"

"She can't just move from one place to another, hyung. That's silly."

"Kook, it's a story."

"Fine. Then what would you suggest?" Jungkook childishly responds, folding his arms to mock the elder.

"She meets a star, falls in love with him, and the star falls in love with her too."

"And how certain are you the moon wasn't bluffing? Why did the star trust so easily? What if the moon was simply confused?" The questions can go onwards, but Jungkook chooses to falter in his babbling. He knows how perceptive the older was, and the omega  is not too keen with the idea of sharing his projected fears on the story. The bit of respite gives him a freeway to rethink his next words —not too happy with being exposed.

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