Trust and Loyalty 28

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Arthit answered for both of them

"It really hasn't been interfering per se but, it's just because we have not been open with our relationship people keep trying to get with either of us more so with Kong since he doesn't seem to know how to tell people no, and they tend to take his kindness us interest and relentless chase after him"

"P'Arthit i do turn them down they just seem not to understand the meaning of no, its like the more i turn them down the harder they push.i honestly do not understand them, i mean does one have to be hash to be heard?"

"Our poor baby brother, you really don't comprehend how tenacious girls can get, and since you did not have that problem, before we run interference and you never had to deal with them directly."

"Honestly if you realized how popular you were with girls, maybe you would have a better idea of how to deal with them."

"How do you mean P'Anne, was Kong really that popular?'

"Oh yes he was, but he was never interested and paid them no mind, he was always waiting for you, so we helped out by intervening."

"You mean to run them off Anne, you literally threated anyone who even dared breath close to our baby brother, they were terrified of you, that is why no one got to approach you, but also you were so oblivious you did not even know when a girl was hitting on you."

"Oh P'Tina he is still the same, he never realizes when they do, and is surprised when they think he has been interested the whole time when he turns them down."

"I was planning to come there and take care of these girls, but Tina says I can't but honestly if they persist you give me names and i will put them in their place"

"Thank you P'Anne but I think once we reveal our relationship, maybe they will stop, or so am hoping because honestly if they don't I might have to call you"

Arthit teased her, he knew she meant what she said, but he also knew his husband and him would be okay, they could handle it, plus now they had their backup.

"N'Arthit i hate to disappoint you but that will not make them stop, girls have a tendency of thinking they can get the guy no matter what, so after you are open with your relationship expect it to actually get worse before it gets better, the both of you will need to trust each other, and always be honest with each other, if someone talks to one of you, you need to let the other know, they will try to poison you against each other, the only way to avoid that is by staying strong in you love and being completely honest with each other."

"We understand P' i think initially i thought keeping it from kong was me trying to shelter him, but i realized he was doing the same, which was only causing us to misunderstand each other."

"Exactly and if these girls think they have the slightest chance they will do anything and everything to break you two up, and honestly only you two can avoid that, but having a strong front with each other, show them that you have each other back and nothing can break that."

"We will P'Tina, and if not we will call you P'Anne to come and unleash hell on them,"

they laughed at Arthit trying to lighten the mood. the talked more but about their general life and then decided to head out, it was still early so they went by the open market to walk around and buy trinkets, the girls could never resist shopping so the two indulged them and went along.

the two were in their own world while the sisters were shopping, even though Arthit was not comfortable with PDA he still relented and looped his hand around his husbands and for him, the smile on Kong's face was worth the little discomfort he felt.

"Come on baby, let us go buy you something then, I am sure we can find something you like" Kong was happy whenever his husband showed affection openly he was over the moon. there sisters though both busy looking for things to buy were also watching them and were very happy to see the love that was radiating between the two.

they went to a stand selling jewelry, they looked around Arthit found bracelets he knew his husband would love while Kong found matching earings for them. they took them and kept looking around then Kong saw something and immediately pulled his husband, it was a charm in a locked glass box.

"Love we have to get that"

"Why? I mean sure if you want them but what about it caught your eye?'

"Love that is a Sapphire greyhound, basically that is a symbol of loyalty and trust, with everything that has been going on, i think this is a charm we need to add to our bracelet, i want you to always remember that above all you are the one i trust and my loyalty is always to you."

someone cleared their throat and they looked up to see the owner of the stand, she was an elderly lady

"Well said young one, you are correct in that the greyhound is a symbol of loyalty and the sapphire is trust, most people don't understand those especially young ones, I am very surprised you know that am glad someone actually knows the meaning of the charm, sorry I did not mean to overhear your conversation, I heard what you said, do you mind telling me what young ones like you would be going through?"

"We are married, our family arranged our marriage and we have not been open about it since it was fast and in school, people keep trying to get between us," Kong told her

"Well you two seem like amazing young men, and you said your families arranged your marriage, that means you have the people that mean the most to you supporting you," She opened the case and brought the charms out,

"Now give me your hand," she said looking at Kongpob, he lifted his arm with the bracelet that had the other charms on, she took one of the charms and added it to his other ones, she did the same for Arthit. they gave her the bracelet and earing they had picked out to pay for everything.

"I want you two to have that charm it's free, my husband gave it to me after we married he made them, that was a long time ago, I did not plan to sell them, I keep them there to feel him close and to bless this little place, but I want you to have it because that would mean more to me. i hope it will bless your marriage like it did mine, I had a long happy marriage, and now I want you two to have that."

they could not believe there luck it's like every turn they took their grandfathers were there to help them and give them signs that everything was okay.

they thanked the lady and paid for their other items Arthit slipped her a big tip they wished her well and left.meeting up with their sisters, they were going to head back home when Arthit pulled on Kongs arm, His husband looked at him and without him saying anything he knew what he wanted, he asked his sister if they wanted to get some drinks before they left, and the two agreed, they found a drink stand and the sisters ordered, then Kong ordered his husband Pink milk and his ice coffee, paying for them. they got their drinks and headed to their car Arthit was all smiles now. Kong just looked at him and smiled leaning down he kissed him, which Arthit pount but blushed never the less.

I MARRIED MY SOUL MATE 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang