Chapter Ten: Tick Tock

Start from the beginning

I quietly race up the stairs as I hear his shoes clack on the floor. I turn the corner praying he didn't see me. I wait a moment before leaving my hiding spot in the hallway. He's waiting for me as I turn the corner. "Shit," I whisper.

He chuckles, "Ms. Evans, would you care to accompany me for a stroll around the garden since you're dressed to go out already. I believe you may have something I could borrow from you," He tells me.

I pat my pocket as I wonder how he knew I was going for a smoke. "If you insist Andrew, how I could I say no," I say with a forced smile.

I follow him down the stairs as he leads me. He opens the door for me before he leads me out to the lawn. He's silent at first as we walk down the gravel path turning to a small stone path. He breaks the silence as we reach it. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. I didn't know we had an eavesdropper listening to our conversation," He tells me as we pause. "I hate to ask this, but may I have a cig?" He asks me.

I reach into my pocket and pull the pack out. I give him one before taking my own out. I pass him the lighter first then light mine after he does. I pocket them both and take a small drag. I exhale the smoke before I respond, "I'm sorry for listening in. I swear that wasn't my intention. I know it's wrong, but I heard her say Kara's name. I was scared she was in trouble however I see it's more than that now," I tell him as I look at my shoes.

"Ms. Evans, you're not in trouble. I didn't mean to make it seem that way," He sighs and begins walking again. "You should also break this habit while you're young and still can," He adds.

"I could say the same for you, sir. It is a terrible habit and Kara will be furious when she finds out, but I needed something for my nerves. I'm assuming you did too?" I ask him as we walk.

"She'll get both of us if she were to find out, so I'll keep your secret," He says with a chuckle. "This isn't the reason I brought you out here Ms. Evans," He tells me before he takes a long drag. "I came because I need a favor from you I'm afraid," He sighs before he continues, "I need you to help her. I know you two are quite close, so I'm asking that you please help her enjoy this week and the party as much as you can. I'm afraid that things will soon be changing around here, and I want her to have just a bit more freedom and fun."

"You really care about her, don't you, sir?" I ask him. "And, I promise I will try to help her have fun. I believe she intends to do the same for me due to recent events."

"Yes, she informed me of those. I'm sorry you had to go through that ordeal, I truly am. As for the question, she's practically like my daughter. I helped raised her since she was a babe, so I want what's best for her. It's probably going to cost me this job though," He says with a small chuckle.

"I hope not. She needs people she can trust by her side," I tell him.

"It seems we want the same thing, Ms. Evans. If I may, I have one more favor to ask of you," He tells me as he pauses in front of a rose bush.

"What's the favor? I'll see if I can help you with it," I tell him as I brush some of the snow off it. I'm surprised to see some flowers still on it.

"Please don't tell her of the conversation you overheard, I don't want her having anymore ill will towards her mother," He tells me.

"I won't, sir. As you said, she's supposed to have fun this week after all," I tell him.

"Thank you, Ms. Evans, I have to head back now. You can take that door," He points to it. "To get back to the main hall to return to her room." He tells me before he leaves.

"Thank you," I tell his retreating figure. I sigh and pull another out of the pack to smoke before I head back.

As I arrive back at the room, Kara is already up and starting to get ready. I shed my coat and pick my clothes for the day. My mind is spinning with questions still, but I put a smile on my face to not reveal anything to her. We head to breakfast together as her stomach growls causing me to laugh.

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