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Days passed, once Hoseok decided to take Yoongi to the garden as it a very pleasant day. He went and asked Yoongi if he would like to go with him and to his surprise Yoongi agreed so both of them headed towards the garden and they reached in ten minutes. As they reached Yoongi demanded that he wants a Raspberry soft serve and Hoseok had to give that to him bot of them then made their way to a bench and sat on a bench near to see small children playing and running Yoongi was immersed in his thoughts of his childhood when he also could run and play like them but now it was all over the only reality which he thought was he cannot walk ever again while thinkin6sll these hot tears cascaded his eyes and he felt a hand on his it was Hoseok who pulled him to a tight hug saying " Don't worry Hyung everything will be fine and I am damn sure that you will walk again with me on the endless road of love......" . On hearing this Yoongi got surprised and said "Hoseok.....did you just....." Hoseok replied "Yes Hyung....I have developed really strong feelings for you and yes hyung I Like You I LOVE YOU YOONGI HYUNG!!<3 ". After Hoseok's confession Yoongi had tears brimming in his eyes and he said " actually I also wanted to tell you something...I LOVE YOU TOO HOSEOK<3". Hoseok was happy that Yoongi accepted him but then he questioned him that " Hyung if you like me why didn't you say it earlier??^^". Yoongi replied " be honest I thought that you would not accept me just like the rest of the world and another reason that I don't think that I am meant for you cuz who will like a crippled person like me....and I wanted you to be free cuz you are burdened up because of me so I didn't-". Before Yoongi could complete Hoseok pulled Yoongi into a passionate kiss it was not not rough it was slow full of passion their lips lips brushed against each other, slow moans slipped from Yoongi's mouth as Hoseok bit his lower lips. After few minutes they pulled out cuz they were out of breath. Yoongi gave Hoseok a tight hug and said " Thank you Hoseok for accepting someone like me and loving me for who I am.".

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