Strange Girl

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Sesshomaru stood atop a steep hill, gazing at the morning horizon. The aroma of fresh morning dew teased his highly sensitive nose. The air was cool, refreshing. It would be hotter later, but for now, the silver long-haired yokai welcomed the weather. Extreme temperatures had no effect on him, but he knew when the air was comfortable.

As usual, Sesshomaru's thoughts were on Naraku. That coward was in hiding again and his scent had disappeared about five days ago along this side of the forest.

Rin giggled behind him. She was just a few feet away, but Sesshomaru didn't need to see her to know what she was doing. His immortal ears could hear the girl's small feet rapidly hitting the grass as she playfully ran in circles around Ah-Un.

"Cut that out, you silly girl!" Jaken fussed. "Can't you see that Lord Sesshomaru is trying to concentrate?!"

Rin stopped running and stretched out her hands. "Play with me, Master Jaken!" she laughed.

"Don't be ridiculous!" the green little imp hollered. "I would never degrade myself by foolishly running around playing silly little games, especially with the likes of you!" Instantly, Jaken was hit in the head by a heavy rock, causing him to fall over and groan in pain. Jaken didn't see his attacker, but he knew who it was. He got back on his feet and massaged the part of his head that had been bruised. Jaken's tone was softer and timid now, "Forgive me, Lord Sesshomaru for my harsh words. I didn't mean to be so cruel to young Rin."

Now looking away from the horizon, Sesshomaru walked past his companions. "We're leaving," he announced in his usual quiet tone.

"Alright!" Rin replied, happily tailing behind him. Ah-Un always remained close by her side.

Jaken quickly followed suit. "Wait for me, my lord!" he panicked.

They walked for an hour or so and then stopped when he picked up a scent. A yokai was approaching them. "Rin, stand back," he ordered before going on ahead.

Rin pointed to her right at something stuck between two big trees. "Look over there, Lord Sesshomaru! It looks like a great big spiderweb."

Rin was right. It was a spiderweb, Sesshomaru noted silently. Far too big to be made by a normal sized spider. The web looked as though it went on for miles. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes in its direction. Waiting.

Sure enough, a giant spider yokai popped out of the trees and zoomed in on him.

"Look out, Lord Sesshomaru!" Rin screamed.

Sesshomaru positioned his long claws for the attack. In one swipe, the ugly creature's flesh started to melt from his claws' acidic poison. All too soon the fight was over, and the spider yokai had fully dissolved. Sesshomaru closed his eyes and exhaled with annoyance. Any foe that wasn't Naraku was a waste of Sesshomaru's time and energy.

"Well done, my lord!" Jaken cheered. "That eight-legged freak didn't stand a chance against you!"

Ignoring Jaken's compliment, Sesshomaru continued on until he heard someone else approaching. Sesshomaru's sense of smell was incredible. He could identify so much about a human or yokai just by their scent. This one was definitely human and female. She was young and also strong, at least compared to other humans. She was running fast his way. She was soon close enough for Sesshomaru to pick up her heartbeat. It was going as fast as she was.

Not caring any further, Sesshomaru started to turn away. This woman obviously wouldn't be a threat to him, and he didn't want to waste more time by laying eyes on her. He really needed to find Naraku and settle this once and for all.

Just as he was about to walk off, the young woman emerged from the trees. She was breathless and wielding a katana. She stopped when she noticed him and gasped softly. She wasn't afraid of him though. Sesshomaru didn't smell any fear on her, but there was definitely intrigue.

A Different Kind of Stranger (Sesshomaru Fanfiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang