Fieldtrip pt 3

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Peter stumbled a bit feeling slightly woozy but continued on, none the less as he heard Miss Jackson shouting the class over to take them to the gym to do some quote on quote training with some avengers.

——————————————-line break woo—————————————
"Right who wants to try and take down Cap?" The one and only black widow asked while clapping. Each class member went and tried with a quick reminder to go for the knees, well everyone except Peter as he politely declines noting his terrible asthma to which flash snickers. Nat was having none of this and neither was Steve, so rather than making a scene she simply replied with "Fair enough, Mr Patriotic over here used to have asthma before the whole super soldier serum thing. I like your t-shirt by the way everyone likes a good science pun (the one about losing an electron and being positive) what's ya name kid?"
Peter stumbled star-struck over the fact that Natasha Bloody Romanoff was talking to him, "P-Peter Miss Romanoff." He said looking down.
She nodded in acceptance

The class were then -after a rather thorough self defence class that left Peter wheezing- let wonder around the gym to use the machines as long as they didn't go any higher than 90kg. Peter and Ned slowly made their way over to the easiest machines... the exercise bikes. Neither of the boys actually planned on exercising more like sitting on the bikes people watching while listening to the awesome playlist that was on in the background, it really was killing them not to sing along to bangers like glory by the score and don't threaten me with a good time by Panic! because they were such good pieces of music. How nobody new who the score was really was beyond the two boys.

All of a sudden everything became very loud for Peter, he could hear; every clank of weights, every step on the treadmill, the now aggressive base of the speakers, every heartbeat,breath, sigh all of it. The lights also seemed a lot harsher and brighter for Peter. What was happening to him he didn't know but what he did know was that it was all to much, he started stumbling from being disoriented and the sensory overstimulation until he went as far as he could get and collapsed to his knees and started screaming and crying - it was blood curdling.

Nat and Steve ran over to the poor child to see what in Loki's name was happening. Steve didn't have a clue he wasn't a doctor and he wasn't going to pretend he was and Nat being the only sane one around (I mean Mr Jones and Miss Grimsby just stood there looking confused) called FRIDAY. "Hey FRI what seems to be the problem with Peter?"
"The boy seems to be experiencing some sensory overstimulated almost as if his senses have been turned up to 25 when the normal human is a 10 and for reference a dog would be somewhere around 17. I would suggest turning off all: machines,music, lights and closing the blinds then notifying Dr Cho Dr Bruce Banner and Mr Stark to see if they can fix this and maybe having Dr Stephen strange and possibly even Loki on standby as he seems to also have traces of radio active blood and spider DNA fusing with his chromosomes."
"Thank you FRI can you do exactly that for me?"
"Of course Miss Romanoff"
"FRI? Will Peter be ok?" Asked Steve not quite fully understanding all of the somewhat technical jargon going on.
"I am not certain Mr Rogers." And with those final words the room became pitch black and silent.

Time skip brought to you by suspense blame the 14,000,605 possibilities.

Dr Cho quickly made it to the training room with Bruce banner not too far behind, after all he was only here to maybe help with radioactive blood, he may have 7 PHDs thus having the title dr but he wasn't an actual doctor that was Helen's job. Oh and Tony in pure Stark fashion was late.

"Those damn interns let the spiders loose and one of the blasted things has bit a kid!" He said...more like yelled.
"Sh" Was the only sound that came from the room.
"Sorry FRI informed me of the situation and it's rather infuriating."

Steve was sat behind Peter with his legs crossed with Peter's head on his lap while Natasha soothed the now shaking boy as much as possible.
"Should we sedate him?"asked Steve slightly more nonchalantly than was comforting.
"No we need to let him sweat it out and hope he bonds with the spider DNA." Was the billionaire's reply.
Slightly concerned Nat let her façade slip and show some worry for the child and asked "And if he doesn't?"
"You don't wanna know."

After pacing about for a good 30 minutes Tony thought that Peter might actually need waking up so he went and filled a glass at the tap with freezing cold water and told Nat and Steve "You might want to move in case he tries to hurt you." And threw the water at the boy which lead to him startling awake doing a backflip and landing in what would become the classic Spider-Man pose.

"Hello spider boy..."


A/n If you want a one shot that takes place after this just leave a comment thank you and sorry it took so long

Irondad spiderson and a dash of the avengersजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें