The left side of his head near his temple was covered in old blood, causing his hair to mat against the side of his head. The cut under his right eye was small, but looked irritated. The faint stain of blood was down the side of his mouth near a busted lip that was a few days old. I continued to observe the man as he greeted his friends. To anyone else, I'm sure he looked fine other than the superficial marks that were visible. However, I saw how when Jo slapped his back in a brotherly embrace, Poe slightly grimaced before turning on a huge smile. Even as General Organa greeted him with a quick, soft hug to his torso, he flinched away at the touch on his left side.

As he pulled away from her, Poe said something to Leia that caused her to turn around and scan over the crowd before both of their eyes found me. She offered me a knowing smile as I pushed off the wall and made my way to the pilot. Poe squeezed the General's shoulders before stepping around her and picking up a light jog to me, which made me notice the slight limp from his left hip. I brought my eyes to his, a smile gracing my face. Even though he was roughed up, I couldn't get over how attractive he was with that bright smile. Once I was in arm's reach, Poe pulled me into him with force that I knew hurt him when my body met his. He held my head against his chest with a strong hand, and I felt him press his lips into my hair. I reached up to hold onto his arms, afraid to wrap my arms around his core. Closing my eyes, I relished in his touch, not quite realizing just how much I had missed him until this moment. I couldn't even be bothered with what the crowd behind him thought of our display.

"I'm so happy you're back." I whispered to him.

He released me and held me back from him, looking down to my face. "I'm happy to be here, doc. I hope you didn't miss me too much." I rolled my eyes at the man, forever amazed at his ability to give joking comments in any situation.

"I did until the moment you said that, Dameron." I replied with a flat tone, causing him to laugh but then cringe and reflexively reach to his side. "Poe, you need to come to the med wing with me. I know you're hurt worse than you're letting on." I could tell he was about to argue with me, and I stood back with crossed arms and a challenging glare at the man. From behind him, Leia was making her way over to us. Just in time.

"I'm fine Sienna, just a little sore from my... travels." He lamely tried to get out of it before the General stopped right by him.

"You will go to the medical wing to be evaluated, commander. That's an order." Her voice was stern with authority and didn't leave any room for question. A smug smile made its way to my face, happy to have her on my side. Poe held his hands up in surrender before gesturing for me to lead the way. I shot Leia an appreciative look before heading to the wing, a stubborn pilot in tow.

"I don't know why you're both so insistent on this. A shower is all I need and I'll be good as new." Poe continued to make his defense as we approached the wing entrance. Before we entered, I spun around to face him.

"Poe, a shower isn't going to fix your back, side or hip which I can tell are clearly bothering you. So shut up and let me do my job, okay?"

His eyes widened slightly as he regarded me with a curious look. "How can you tell that those are my ailments?"

I shot a quick smile at him before going into the wing. "That would be part of my job, commander. Now follow me."

I led him into the quiet hall and turned into the small exam room Tash and I had readied hours earlier. I instructed him to sit down as I slipped on my gloves. "Okay, I'll start with these superficial wounds. Just sit still while I clean them up. Sorry for any stinging." He did as he was told, closing his eyes while allowing me to wipe away the dried blood. Both of his main head wounds were shallow- the one under his eye was just irritated by bits of sand. I wiped his lip gently, cleaning away any of the translucent scarlet stains. Leaning in, I closely observed his features for any other small signs of trauma. His face was clear of the blood, letting me take in his tan skin that was darkened by the harsh Jakku sun and the stubble that went along his jaw and chin. Before doing something that a doctor should not be doing to their patient, I stood up straight again. "Poe, I'll need you to remove your shirt so I can see what the extent of the damage is."

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