Chapter Two-Favorite Colors

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Elle's POV

Wednesday. The day of chemotherapy. A day that I've grown to not be that fond of. Can you guess what day today is?

I enter the room, ready to start my twelfth treatment. A whole damn three months. Pretty much halfway there I guess. I would be more pessimistic than this, but I am kind of excited to see Elena today. I loved our conversation last session and have been looking forward to our next one all week.

I get hooked up to the machine then am left alone with my thoughts. I anxiously tap my fingers on the arm of my chair, waiting for the older lady that I've become so fond of. I end up waiting a half hour until I see the door handle jiggle. I sit a little more up in my seat as I see Elena being wheeled in. I can't help but grin a little bit when she waves at me, and her smile was already on her face when she entered. I wonder what she's so happy about.

"Hi Elena!"

"Hello deary."

Elena is placed into her chair next to me and is hooked up. She doesn't even flinch when the needle enters her. What a pro, I even flinch still. Not as much as before, but I still do a little bit.

"How was your week? I know the week after my first session was a little rough."

She just waves her hand.

"Oh it was fine. My husband has been coming to visit me every day so he makes me feel better."

I wish someone would visit me every day, or at least once. There is yet to be a person here to see me. But at least I have Elena now, and that is enough for me.

"Oh that is good, just know if you ever need someone, I'm right next door."

Elena places her hand on mine.

"I know sweetheart. Same for you. Oh, I almost forgot! Speaking of visiting, Gerard is going to be coming tomorrow! I will definitely be seeing you so the two of you can meet."

Heat rises to my cheeks. I wish I had some makeup or something. I feel so ugly. My hair is starting to fall out, I'm basically skin and bones, and as pale as a vampire. One look at me and he'll shield his eyes and take off running.

"D-do you have a photo of him?"

Elena shakes her head.

"No, not on me. I have a few photographs in my room that I could maybe show you."

I shrug.

"It's fine. I just wanted to know what he looked liked."

Elena gives me a knowing smile.

"Well he's definitely handsome, he's got my genes!"

My blush increases. She saw right through my lie of why I was asking.

"I-uh that's nice to know. I would like to think that anyone with your genes would look good."

I don't know how to get myself out of this. Thankfully, Elena just laughs.

"Oh don't worry dear, I'm just teasing. But I'm expecting some beautiful great grand babies."

Oh boy. My entire face is definitely as red as a tomato now. Elena thinks that my embarrassment is hilarious.

"I-I don't know what you're talking about."

Elena pats my arm.

"Sure you don't dear. Sure you don't."

The session and the rest of the day go by quickly, mostly because I slept most of it away. I don't wake until it's almost lunchtime the following day. Chemo, it really helps you sleep. I recommend taking sleeping pills instead though. This comes with some not fun side effects.

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