Chapter IV

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“Good evening, your highness”, the man said. Lavita was caught off guard by the prince. “Oh, he has nice eyes.”, she uttered on the back of her mind while looking at the prince admirably.

“Princess?”, Lavita who is mesmerized by the dapper looking prince came back on her senses when he called her again. ”H-huh?” she replied and noticed that the prince is finding her weird.

 “Oh, sorry I was just a little forgetful this day, by the way, do I know you?” “Ah of course, you don't know me because tonight's our first meeting, so I am prince Romeo Montague of Montoe Kingdom and I, together with my father is your father's acquaintance.

“Oh, that's cool.”, Lavita replied pretending to know her “father” Romeo is talking about. “Cool?” Romeo asked. “Oh sorry, I just have this habit of making my own words, you know, weird stuff hehe.”, Lavita reasoned out.

She then realized that she really is in the 1700's and she is not in a nightmare nor a sweet dream because that will be her reality from now on. 

She knew that she cannot do anything about it so she just accepted the fact and she just thought of things to make her happy on the different world that she is now in to, besides she have nothing to lose, her mom is now happy with her second family and her father is already dead.

Because of that she started to live with the fact that she only have herself with her, nothing more, nothing less, so she decided to just go with wherever her life will take her to.

“Romeo? May I excuse myself first?  I'm just going to prepare for later because from what I heard, there will be a masquerade ball tonight, so see you there, bye!”, she voiced out. She then ran quickly towards her big and intricately designed bedroom and called her 5 female servants to assist her again.

She then found herself being served like a queen on the medieval times with servants combing and curling her hair, massaging her back and preparing for her a lot of clothes and shoes to use for the party. “What a life.”, she whispered.

After hours of getting ready she finally looked at herself in the large body mirror, wearing a mantua gown and long pointed shoes together with the tight curls on her head and of course, her precious crown made with diamond and gold.

After minutes of admiring herself, the kingdom's butler led her to the castle's great hall where all the royalties from the other kingdoms and empires gathers and dances together through the beat of the old vivacious music, all of the girls are wearing silk cloths with large headdresses while the men are in waistcoats and breeches.

The music suddenly changed into a mellow and romantic one. “Will you let me have this dance, with you, my lady?”, Romeo who is beside her asked and offered his hand, as if he is the prince from the famous movie that Lavita is a fan of .

“You are really something.”, Lavita stated while accepting Romeo's hands. The prince chuckled and they started to dance with each other with the crowd of nobles alongside them. Lavita felt her face becoming red and sweaty because of nervousness, it was her first time dancing romantically with a guy, aside from her late father.

“Oh no, don't be nervous, Princess besides you're the most beautiful girl here tonight.”, Romeo said while lifting her chin upward. Lavita decided to end her worries and just danced with Romeo happily until the ball ended, and the visitors, along with the prince finally left.

When all the happenings finally ended, she then went on her room. Lavita found a notebook on the bedside table, with empty pages and a pen with it. She came up with the decision that it will be her diary starting that night. She wrote something in it saying.

“Dear diary, this is surprisingly the best night of my life and I don't know why, plus I don't know if all of this is really true. I feel like all of this is only my imagination cunning me. I just woke up and I'm here, in this crazy world that I don't have any idea about, is it wrong to feel happy even if I don't know what's going on in my life? Sounds crazy but it's true, maybe it's because of that guy, Romeo? I don't know but all of this is weird and unrealistic to me. I feel like this is all my own imagination, but I hope it's not, because now, I'm currently happy in my life but I also feel like it will going to end soon, but I just hope that everything ,including my friends, Sab, Zatanna and Isla are all okay too. I just need to find the mystery behind what is really happening now and why I got here in this place, but first I need to rest, so that I’ll have all the energy to figure all these things out. Goodnight, diary.”, Lavita wrote.

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