"Chapter 8"

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Chapter 8 - Fix What You Broke





"I need help."


Uraraka's plain skirt was wet, due to the tears pouring down her face. She set her phone down on the coffee table in front of her and laid on the couch. She closed her eyes, her thoughts running wild and not letting her rest. 

There was a knock on the door. A loud and angry knock. Uraraka's brain was too tired from her all-nighter to register the knock. There was a second knock, it was angrier than the previous. The door then burst open and someone walked in. Uraraka couldn't think and she was far too exhausted to panic or open her eyes.

"Round face." A whisper. The voice was smooth, but gruff, and the tone was annoyed, yet caring. Uraraka opened her eyes, eyelashes tangling together, before she stared at ruby eyes.

"Katsu?" Uraraka mumbled. She got up into a sitting position and stared at her closest friend.

"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked, the concern too evident, but he would never admit it.

"I'm so confused." Uraraka cried, the tears dropping again.

"Why are you confused?" Bakugou sat down next to her on the couch.

"I'm feeling this strong emotion I've never felt before and I don't know what to do." Uraraka couldn't help her rambling, but Bakugou let her speak. "It's like, around her my heart beats in irregularly fast and my face grows hot and it's like I can't think straight. What's happening to me?" Uraraka finished, not wanting to tell anymore.

"I'm sure you already know this." And Uraraka did know, she just didn't want to believe that- 

"You're in love."

Of course she was. All the hints and the clues leading her to that conclusion, but that thing, that she refused to think about really opened her eyes. That kiss. Or, those kisses.

Uraraka wrapped her arms around Bakugou's neck, holding tight, refusing to let go. He hesitantly wrapped his arms around her waist as well.

"I know it can be hard to suddenly feel something toward a girl after liking guys all your life, but it isn't so scary once you accept it. It'll be like nothing changed and you can go one step at a time-"

"But I can't. I've hurt her for so long, I can't afford to hurt her any longer." Uraraka's cries were muffled by Bakugou's shirt.

"I'm sure she understands." Bakugou tries reassures her, but he doesn't know how 'she' actually feels. He doesn't know what 'she's' been through,

Or does he?

Uraraka couldn't find it in herself to care. Uraraka just wanted to hold 'her' and keep 'her' in Uraraka's arms until she couldn't anymore.

"Want to call the 'Emosquad'?" Bakugou's already reaching for his phone and typing, knowing Uraraka doesn't like being alone in her most vulnerable moments.

"How about you tell her when she comes?" Bakugou suggests, which gets Uraraka up and running. She rushes to the bathroom, to wash her face and make herself more presentable. 

Half an hour later, Uraraka leaves her bedroom to see everyone's already in the living room. The first one she noticed is 'her'.

She Loves Me Not ~Tsuchako BNHA~  [COMPLETED]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang