Michael and Emma exchanged looks. They could see the conflict raging inside of her between her friends and her duty. The siblings exchanged nods, quickly getting on the same page. Then Emma said, "we'll be fine. You aren't leaving us alone, after all, and there are plenty of other people on this battlefield."

"But I wish to protect you myself," Wilamena whispered, looking directly at Michael, and Emma stepped back, knowing this was not about her.

Michael nodded, "I know you do. But you're a princess and you have a duty to your people. You've told me that before. So now you have to do what it takes to save them and the world. Just like Emma and I will do our part. So go."

Wilamena's lips curled upward, "you know, you're very brave."

"Not really," Michael admitted, "but I can force myself to be for the ones I love. And you can too."

"Thank you for that, Michael. I needed to hear that," Wilamena said, and for once she used his name, making it clear that she was dead serious.

She was about to turn to go, but before she could, Michael did something impulsive. He leaned in and pecked her on the lips. 

His cheeks were red as Wilamena began to beam, "does that mean we're officially back together?"

Michael replied, "if we survive this war, definitely."

"We'll survive," Wilamena assures him confidently, before turning and following Captain Anton towards the citadel, ready to do whatever needed to be done. Michael watched her go, the smallest of smiles breaking through his worried face.

Haarald shook his head, "ah, love at the time of war. An old story but a good one."

Emma snickered, and Michael shout her a glare, "don't you dare comment on this."

"I wasn't going to," Emma said defensively, "at least, not right at this moment."

Michael sighed heavily, knowing that he'd be in for it after the battle, "just tell me where we should go next."

"Let's find mom and dad," Emma said, surprised at how easily her parents' tutors rolled off her tongue, "they could need our help."

"Sounds like a plan," Michael replied.

"I have to go find my king," Haarald chimed in, "so you kids stay safe."

Emma raised her sword, "we'll do our best." And with that, she and her brother left the dwarf behind as they ran deeper into the battlefield.

They wove down the city streets, avoiding thick pockets of imps abs screechers, dodging behind houses caught in the midst of the fight. They saw a band of Gabriel's warriors cleaving down the monsters with their blades, but couldn't stop to help if they wanted to reach their parents fast. They had to avoid the danger.

What they couldn't avoid, was the ghosts. They swooped down over everything, yelling taunts and abuse at the armies of good. They got in the way and filled the streets with their ethereal forms. There was no uniformity to them, and their clothing ranged from ancient to Victorian to modern, but yet they all shared hatred and anger in their eyes and presence, as if they shared the same energy as the Dire Magnus. The power in their souls made the air electric, and when they brushed against Michael or Emma's flesh, it felt as cold and all consuming as the grave. Emma shuddered at the thought of what they could do if they got the chance to truly hurt her. That was why they had to keep moving.

Finally, Michael shouted, "I see them!"

Emma looked where he was pointing and saw Richard and Clare had made their way to the harbor, where the epicenter of this battle was. A throng of screechers surrounded them, but Clare was holding her own, with Richard assisting her. 

"Let's go," Emma said.

They kept into battle, Emma's sword tearing through one of the undead monster's ribcage, while Michael used his dagger to swat away the ghosts hungrily swooping down like bats.

The four Wibberly's fell into a rhythm of battle and for once, among the chaos, they felt like they had always been a family, like they knew each other forever. It was an asset, how well they worked together, because more monsters and ghosts were coming their way - with one of the Dire Magnus's dark sorcerers alongside them.

Emma raised her sword, ready to fight with her family, side by side.

A/N: Here we go, the first chapter in the thick of battle! Also, I am currently off school for two weeks due to the pandemic, so if there's a lot of updates, know it's because I'm writing to get through the chaos that is the world right now.

Stay safe, all of you.

Dance of Magic - The Books of Beginning [1]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن