To Leo's (Neptune)

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My cover was made by the amazing @NutellaEmpress 

Ring, ring, ring! My phone buzzes. I wonder who would call me at 6:00am. I pick up the phone and see it's Leo. He is a family friend. I quickly answer it.

"Hello." I call.

"Is this Neptune, my favorite niece?" He asks.

I explain for the 100th time, "You know I am not your niece! I am a friend! Plus you're only 18. It would be weird if you were my uncle."

"Okay, okay, miss sassy pants. Also, people can have 5 year old uncles!" He retorts.

I exclaim angrily, "Don't call me that either! What do you want"

"It was just a joke! Calm down."

"Okay, but seriously what do you want!"

"I only want you to come to my apartment to see my new video game The Rise of the Gamemaker."

"What time?"

"7:00am sharp!"

"'Kay but my friends are coming too."

"Not your friends! They hate me! Or at least the one with the black hair who always wears black clothes and looks like a stalker does."

"Why would you talk like that about my friends! Especially behind her back!"

"I won't do it again! Promise!"

When he says this he sounds very stressed and sorry.

"I'm sorry Leo!" I say to comfort him.

I next call Violet.

"Hello Neptune, how are you?" she says.

"Good, thank you. My uncle... I mean, you know, Leo called me." I reply.

"Oh yeah him. He says I wear all black clothing, which I do not! They are Violet! Also, let me guess... Hmmm, he says I'm a stalker."

"You know you can't use your powers on me or on anyone else. You made a promise!" I say, "That is also a lie. That did not happen."

That was a bluff. I usually don't lie but when it comes to my friend's feelings sometimes it's worth it. Also, yes I have powers! My Mom is a superhero so bam! I have powers, and so do my friends because of the same situation.

"I know you're lying! Don't lie to me! You also made a promise!" she complains.

"Okay, I won't! Ever again! Can you and Rose just pleeeeeease come to my house later. I need you guys to come with me. Be here at 6:45am!"

"Finne. I'll be there." she says, sounding annoyed.

I hang up and quickly dial (472)-319- 4657. That is Kendal's number.

"Hi. You have reached Kendal Gosti. Please leave a message at the tone and I'll get back to you when I have the chance." says a robotic version of Kendal's voice from inside the phone.

I hang up and text her instead. My friends get here on time and we head out the door. Me and my four BFF's Violet, Rose, Kendal, & Magic (Roses dog) start walking over to Leo's apartment to see his new game. It is supposed to be so realistic it feels like it sucks you right in. I learned that from my 15 seconds of research.It is a website that helps you do quick research. Magic began barking as we crossed on to Main St. We were almost at Leo's place. 

" We are almost there!" I said to tell them the news.

"Good! It feels like I have been walking for ever!" says Annie.

"It's only been 5 blocks. That is not a lot!" Kendal replies kind of annoyed.

"You are right Kendal. It has not been a very long way." I say as we continued to walk the rest of the way silently. 

 We  turn a corner and get to Leo's apartment building. When I grab to open up the door and get into the apartment building Magic try's to pull me away and she succeeds.

I scold Magic by saying, "Bad dog! Why won't you let me open the door!"

At these moments I wish I could use my powers and pull him by force and I'm sure my BFF's do too.

"Come on! I want to get inside!" yells Rose, the youngest and most impatient of my friends, tugging on Magic's leash which I handed to her the minute before.

She scoops Magic up into her arms and carries my puppy into the building. Magic whines and cry's.

"Magic, just shut it. We are going to Leo's no matter what." Annie barks.

Magic immediately shuts her snout and just relaxes in Rose's arms. We finally get to Leo's apartment on the top floor. I barely just knock and immediately, like he knew we would be 25 minutes late, the door opens.

He says, "Welcome. I am happy to see you guys even though your late!"

"So are we and I'm sorry were late!" I reply, "Where's the new video game?"

"Yeah! Where's the game we walked 6 blocks for!" exclaims Rose.

He says with a calm down right now Missy sort of tone, "Right this way."

We follow him and end up in a weird room.   

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