Chapter XXXVIII: Aftermath

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Alright guys, here's the new chapter! I dedicate this to debbiecea...please enjoy this chapter!



Chapter XXXVIII: Aftermath


Within their relief, and smiles, it was truly worth celebrating. They were so happy that they didn’t bother thinking anything else besides how happy they were at that time.

It was then that they took notice of the broken sword that was left on the floor lit up. They stopped celebrating for they thought there’s something else happening. Everyone looked at the sword’s reaction.

“What the heck is it now?”, Levy asked.

“There’s something coming out from the sword”, Wendy alerted the others.

From the sword, small lights are emanating rapidly, floating above it and circled every one of them, most of them were circling around Lucy and Natsu. It’s so beautiful like fireflies lighting the darkness of the night.

“What are they? They’re beautiful”, Lucy tried touching one of them. “It’s warm”

“Thank you”, they heard the lights say in unison.

“Wha! They’re talking!”, Natsu widened his eyes.

“Those must be the souls that Yamino had taken and trapped inside the sword”, Erza said.

The lights gathered above the sword and slowly floated up to the sky, bringing the sword with them.

A light came out of Crucis as well, Minora and Tidus looked at it with wide eyes. The light that came from Crucis revealed itself in the soul form of a woman who looked a lot like Minora.

“Minori?”, Tidus gasped.

“Sister”, Minora cried.

“Sister?”, Lucy gasped with Levy and Erza.

Minori’s soul smiled widely at the two.

“Thank you Tidus, I leave my sister in your hands”, Minori smiled at Tidus.

“Alright”, Tidus nodded and smiled as well.

“Where will you go sister?”,  Minora cried as she looked to her sister’s floating soul.

“I’ll finally be able to join our parents Minora. You’ve grown so much”, Minori smiled at her, tears started to come out her eyes. “I’ll always look after you Minora”, Minori pointed to her heart, assuring Minora that she’ll always stay in her heart. Minora cried while looking at her and nodded, with that she turned around to look over to Lucy with Natsu beside her.

“Thanks a lot”, Minori bowed with respect. Natsu and Lucy bowed as well and smiled as Minori’s smiling soul floated together to the skies and faded slowly.

From a not so distant area, a new light formed the skies. The darkness covering the skies has faded as the lighting sun lightens the entire sky, showing the wonders of being alive. At that time, the sky never looked so beautiful.

Arthur’s eyes opened slowly and with bleary eyes he took into account the faces that were gathered in front of him. He adjusted his view and saw who the faces belongs to.

“Lord Arthur/Arthur/Nero!”, each faces simultaneously said. Arthur smiled and started to sit down. A lot of hands was felt on his back to help him sit.

Tales of an Adventure: The Terror Of Losing Lucy Heartfilia (NaLu Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now