"Of course, you don't. Be weird if you did. I barely do myself."

"Right. You, sit down. All the way from Metebelis Three" the Doctor says as he puts a headset with a blue gem in it onto Emma.

"What does it do?" Emma asks.

"It amplifies your natural abilities like a microphone or a pooper scooper," the Doctor says.

"What exactly is this arrangement?" Palmer asks.

"A psychochronograph," the Doctor says.

"Forgive me, but isn't it all a bit well, make do and mend?" the Doctor puts on a parachute harness, I help him.

"Non-psychic technology won't work where I'm going. Listen, all I need to do is dive into another dimension, find the time traveller, help her escape the monster. get home before the entire dimension collapses and Bob's your uncle."

"Doctor, Seer, will it hurt?" Emma asks.

"No. Well, yes. Probably. A bit. Well, quite a lot. I don't know. It might be agony. To be perfectly honest, I'll be interested to find out" the Doctor says, Emma looks at Palmer, who nods.

"I'm talking to the lost soul that abides in this place. I'm speaking to Hila Tacorian" the clocks start to go backwards. The Doctor hitches his harness to a thick rope as the black disc appears and a strong wind blows through.

"See? The Witch of the Well! It's a wormhole! A reality well! A door to the echo universe. Ready?"

"Good luck" I say.

"Ready!" Emma shouts.

"Geronimo" the Doctor leaps into the wormhole. The rope unwinds from the winch.

"Doctor!" Clara shouts, I grab her holding her back.

*Time Skip*

"I'm not strong enough!" Emma shouts.

"Just a few more seconds," Clara says, Emma screams and Palmer winds in the rope, Hila is on the end of the rope, Emma collapses "No!" the wormhole disappears "wake up! Wake up! Open the thing."

"I'm sorry," Emma says.

"Don't be sorry. Don't be. What you did..." Palmer is cut off by Clara.

"Wasn't enough. She needs to do it again."

"She can't. Look at her."

"She has to! We can't leave him" Clara runs off, I stand looking down at Hila.

"Are you ok?" I ask, Hila nods.

"know that you feel you can't do this, Emma, but look at that woman over there. You saved her. She's only here because of your strength, and so am I" Palmer says, I run after Clara.

"Oh, come on! Let me in, you grumpy old cow!" Clara shouts trying to open the doors to the TARDIS, she turns to see herself "whoa. What's this now?"

"The TARDIS Voice Visual Interface. I'm programmed to select the image of a person you esteem. Of several billion such images in my databanks, this one best meets the criterion."

"Oh. Oh, you are a cow. I knew it. Whatever. You have to help the Doctor" Clara says, I run up and raise an eyebrow.

"The Doctor is in the pocket universe."

"You can enter the pocket universe."

"The entropy would drain the energy from my heart. In four seconds, I'd be stranded. In ten, I'd be dead."

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