"And forwards in time."

"And space. Totally. So, where do you want to go, eh? What do you want to see?"

"I don't know...." Clara looks at me "you know when someone asks you what's your favourite book and straight away you forget every single book that you've ever read?"

"No. Totally not." we both say.

"Well, that's a thing that happens" Clara replies

"And? Back to the question?"

"Ok. So. So. So. So, I'd like to see. I would like to see. What I would like to see is...something awesome" the Doctor and I run around the console flipping switches and pressing buttons, a few minutes later I guide Clara out of the TARDIS with her eyes closed.

"Can you feel the light on your eyelids? That is the light of an alien sun. Forward a couple of steps. Ok. Are you ready?" I ask, the Doctor steps out closing the TARDIS door behind him.

"Yes. No. Yes" Clara says, she slowly opens her eyes.

"Welcome to the Rings of Akhaten" we are standing on a small ledge overlooking an asteroid belt circling a massive star.


"It is. It so completely is. But wait, there is more" the Doctor says.

"More what?"

"Wait, wait, wait" he looks at his wristwatch.

"In about five, four, three, two..." the asteroids move on to reveal a golden pyramid glinting on a rock closer to the sun.

"What is it?" Clara asks.

"The Pyramid of the Rings of Akhaten. It's a holy site for the Sun Singers of Akhate" I say.

"The who of what?"

"Seven worlds orbiting the same star. All of them sharing a belief that life in the universe originated here, on that planet."

"All life?"

"In the universe."

"Did it?"

"Well, it's what they believe. It's a nice story."

"Can we see it? Up close?" Clara asks, the two of us smile pulling Clara back into the TARDIS. We all run out of the TARDIS and into a market with a wide range of alien species "where are they from?"

"Oh, you know, the local system, mostly," the Doctor says.

"What do I call them?"

"Well, let's see. Ah! There go some Pan-Babylonians. A Lugarlirakush. Some Eukanians. A Hooloovoo" I say the Doctor exchanges a greeting that concludes with a pelvic thrust "that chap's a Terraberserker of the Kodion Belt. You don't see many of them around anymore."

"Oh! That's an Ultramanta! You know, I forget how much I like it here. We should come here more often" the Doctor says looking at me.

"You've both been here before?"

"Yes, yes, yes. We came here a long time ago with our granddaughter" I say, as the Doctor dashes off through the crowd, pulling me along with him and leaving Clara behind.

"Hang on!" Clara shouts running after them, once she finds us, we've found a basket of blue glowing globes, she takes one.

"Exotic fruit of some description" the Doctor scans it "right. Non-toxic, non-hallucinogenic. High in free radicals and low in other stuff, I shouldn't wonder" Clara tries it and starts shaking her head.

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