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Driving down the road, the wind in my shaggy brown hair, and the radio amped up to full. I thought of seeing the new boat at the harbour, and how lucky I was to get it so quickly and cheaply. The bright sun was out, shining down on the blue sea from which I could see from the road. It was at least 30 degrees outside, a perfect day to go fishing or swimming on my boat. It was almost 11 in the morning before I got to the wharfs. I turned the corner onto Salty Point Rd and drove down it reaching the wharfs. I parked the car on the side of road, undid my seatbelt, and opened the door. I got out of jeep and closed the door, and started walking over to the marine where all the boats were docked and mored.

I stepped onto the wooden jetty, as it shakes."I need to get used to my sea legs before I take that boat anywhere on my own" I mumbled to myself. I saw a group of people hanging around this boat. They waved to me, and I waved back realising they were the sellers of boat I was buying.I walked over to them, and then there it was. White sails glimmering in the sun rays, beautiful white paint shining with pride, and a name in bright red printed on the side 'La Déesse Blanche', 'The White Goddess'. I marvelled at its beauty and name, as it swayed in the soft ripples in the harbour, standing proud with glistening wood sparkling as the sun reflected of it.

I walked slowly over to the sellers, as I'm still looking at the boat. They were the first to say hello."Hello" i said back."this is quite a marvel of a boat you've got here". "Yes, it's quite a boat to look at isn't it. I nodded in agreement, as they smiled back. They were a couple in their 20s, he had brown hair, she had blond, both were quite bubbly, and nice. "Anyways" he said. "So your interested in buying this boat?" He asked."Yes, i'm quite stoked that you guys are able to sell it to me in such good condition". " Oh its nothing, we had it fixed up and had a bit of maintenance done on it" he replied."Well you did a bloody good job doing that, it looks like it just came out of the factory". "Well it's obvious you are interest in buying it". "Yes" i said back enthusiastically. "Well then, il send you the details of shifting the money over and the contracts tonight by email, if you want... in the mean time, do you want a tour off the boat?" he asked."Yes" i said again.

After that, I was walking back to my jeep with a bit of trance in my walk, being in glee of seeing the boat finally. I opened the rusting grey door to my jeep and shut it, turned the ignition, put my belt on and left the docks, and head back home. I had the window down again, and had the radio on Hawaiian music, with only thoughts of my new boat swimming around my head. I wasn't going to sleep for a while that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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