A Late Night Jog

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(She's still wearing her mom's dog tags, is wearing combat boots instead of tennis shoes, and had headphones as well as pockets for her phone because reality can be whatever I want and I want to have pockets, good ones. I'll stop before I begin ranting, well, continue anyway. The video is the song she's listening too while jogging in this chapter)

When I looked at the clock, I realized it was nearly eight at night. I grabbed some workout clothes and got changed, strapping my combat boots to my feet with a silver dagger hidden inside it. I don't think the clippings book would have sent me if the werewolves were being nice to everyone. I put in my headphones and started my music as I jogged around town, trying to get a feel for the area. I jogged through Zombietown, there wasn't anything interesting going on at this time of night since most people were inside either eating dinner or getting ready to sleep or something. So, I started to jog towards the forest just beyond the suburbs of Seabrook. I found a fence that had a hole in it, but instead of going there, I climbed over the fence with ease, dropping down to the other side.

As I was jogging, I could smell things other than the forest. When I felt eyes burning into my back, I stopped. I stood ready to fight, but kept my stance relaxed, as if I had just taken a break to catch my breath. I pulled one of my earbuds out so I could hear if anyone tried to sneak up on me. I heard growling behind me and turned my head to the side, tilting my chin up as I was pretending to look at the moon. I cast my eyes back to where I heard the growling, catching a glimpse of glowing yellow eyes. I took a deep breath and continued on my jog, keeping one earbud out so I could listen for any possible threats.

After about a quarter mile, I heard growling again, this time louder, more aggressive, and the yellow eyes were right in front of me. I skid to a stop, my boots sliding against the leaves on the forest floor as I fought to keep my balance while coming to a stop. When I finally did stop, I was only a few feet away from the glowing eyes. I didn't meet them directly but rather looked in the general direction. I didn't want to challenge anyone, or anything before my first day of school. I looked down at my phone, it was almost 8:30 which isn't really late, so I put my phone away and looked up to find that there was another pair of eyes looking at me know. I pulled a paper clip out of one of my pockets and started to bend it.

The growling stopped and I smiled, holding up the paper clip towards the moon, I had bent it into the shape of a wolf howling. Since the paper clips weren't made from silver, I figured the wolves would be fine, so I walked over to a tree and placed it on top of the lowest branch. Then, I turned around and started the jog home.

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