Chapter 20

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Y/N's pov

Y/N woke up with the sun on her face and a nice cool breeze coming in through an open window Y/N sat up in bed and looked around the room, it looked different out of the corner of Y/N's eye she saw the door open. The person walking into the room didn't look familiar to you the person was wearing a maid's dress and a bandage over their eye, they walked over to an empty flower pot and filled it with flowers. Y/N moved to the edge of the bed catching the person in the room's eye well the only vision they have walked over to Y/N and started grabbing some clothes Y/N said: "um are you new staff?" the maid looked over at Y/N with a few clothes in her hands. Hannah said "we must get you ready" Y/N was confused Y/N said "ready? ready for what?" Y/N still got no answer from her Y/N said "can I at least get your name so I know what to call you" Hannah looked at Y/N while getting ready to take off her pajamas Hannah said, "my name is Hannah". The cool breeze hit Y/N's back making her shiver a bit Hannah walked over to the window and closed it Y/N heard a knock at the door while half-dressed Hannah asked who it was and a male voice answered. Claude said "is Y/N almost ready Hannah the guests are waiting," Hannah said "almost" Hannah walked back over to me so she could help finish getting me dressed the male's voice sounded familiar but couldn't figure out where. Y/N stood up and walked over to the door Hannah followed behind her Y/N opened the door and started walking down the hallway wondering what could be happening for there to be guests. When Y/N turned the corner of the hallway she saw a blond boy with light blue eye's standing there Hannah said "Y/N is here just like you requested". The boy turned to face Y/N and walked over to her Alois said "what's this that she's wearing Hannah" Hannah said "it's... the only one that fits her your highness" Y/N could hear the trembling in her voice. Y/N said "there's no need to yell at her this dress is fine anyways" Y/N was about to walk off when Alois pins you to the wall Alois said, "I think you should go change out of those old rags". Y/N saw a bit scared since Alois's hand had a good grip on your arm Alois called over to someone and they walked over Alois said "Claude go help Y/N change into a better dress" Y/N said, "I'd prefer if Hannah helped me change". Y/N's face was turning a bright red Alois looked over at Y/N gripping her arm harder Alois said "so she can put you in more rags I don't think so Claude will be helping you". Y/N walked back to the room she was in with Claude following close behind her Y/N felt her arm as it was aching in pain Y/N walked into the room as Claude closed the door behind him and picked out something different for Y/N to wear. 

Alois's pov

I was in the ballroom entertaining my guests while Y/N was waking up and getting dressed I sent Hannah to make sure she was awake and dressed for our guests, it seemed like forever so I asked Claude to go up to the room and ask to see what was taking so long. The triplets came out of the kitchen with more food for the guests to eat I was walking along down the hall when something caught the corner of my eye. It was Y/N in a dress that Hannah picked out that looked terrible on Y/N it was about time that she was ready for our guests but the dress needed to be changed. I said "what's this that she's wearing Hannah" Hannah was reluctant to speak Hannah said "it's... the only one that fits her your highness" I didn't believe her there are tons of dresses that could fit Y/N for her to wear. Y/N said "there's no need to yell at her this dress is fine anyways" Y/N was about to walk in front of our guests with "that" dress on so I grabbed her by the arm and pinned her to the wall. I said, "I think you should go change out of those old rags" I didn't think such a shy lady could have back talking I could see the scared look in her eyes I called over Claude so he could change Y/N into a different dress. I said "Claude go help Y/N change into a better dress," Y/N said, "I'd prefer if Hannah helped me change" I got a glance of it but Y/N's face was red I gripped a bit harder on Y/N's arm I said, "so she can put you in more rags I don't think so Claude will be helping you" Y/N walked off with Claude following behind her.

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