"Who are you to tell me what to do?" the brute questioned with an angry growl.

Before Nadia could even talk back to Stefan, he lunged at her and shoved her away from Leo. Nadia toppled away because of the force. Despite being pushed and stumbling, she managed to keep upright. Nadia turned around to face Stefan, about to lunge at him but felt herself being held back.

"Stay right here!" Nadia heard the muffled voice of Diesel's order. She growled and tried to get out of Diesel's grasp but as she tried, Diesel clamped down with more intensity. The brute kept her away from her defenseless pup and made her watch what was about to unfold. Diesel made her feel helpless, and she loathed that feeling.

"Let me go!" Exclaimed the furious mother.

"Shut up!" Demanded Stefan, glaring at the struggling female. "Shut up and watch what happens when you do something I don't approve of!"

It ended as quickly as it started. Stefan lunged at the cowering pup, sinking his fangs into Leo's throat and tearing out a chunk of flesh. Leo yelped and sagged to the ground. His orbs, wide and filled with agony, stared up at his mother. Nadia whined, crying out. Diesel let her go and she raced over to her dying pup.

"Leo!" Cried Nadia. "My sweet baby boy! I'm so very sorry!"

"Mommy," whispered out Leo, voice hoarse. "I love you. I'll always be with you. Goodbye."

Nadia watched with anguish as her baby ceased breathing and his orbs closed. She was filled with overwhelming grief.

___ E N D O F N I G H T M A R E ___

Nadia gasped awake with a sharp whine. She jumped to her three good legs, gasping for breath. Nadia got her heavy and panic breathing under control. Turning her gaze to Bandit, she saw him observing her with worry in his orbs.

"Oh hey," Nadia greeted, out of breath. "What are you doing up?"

"You woke me up," came Bandit's soft reply. "You were fidgeting and shifting in your sleep. You were also whimpering. I was just about to wake you up when you jumped awake. Wanna talk about it?" Bandit's voice was gentle and soft, with no judgment whatsoever. He understood.

Nadia looked at Bandit, fear evident within her orbs.

"It was so real," Nadia whispered. "It was as if I was there witnessing it once again. I was so scared, Bandit."

Bandit noticed Nadia becoming upset. He felt bad for her because Nadia was the strongest canine he knew.

"What happened, Nadia?" Bandit asked, voice soft. He watched as Nadia shook her cranium 'no'. "I know you may not want to talk about it and I understand but sometimes talking about it can make you feel better."

Bandit walked over to Nadia and gently nuzzled her before laying down beside her. Nada lowered down beside him, their fur touching. Just Bandit being beside Nadia made her more relaxed and safe. Nadia let out a soft sigh before she started explaining her nightmare.

"I had a nightmare," Nadia stated the obvious with a soft tone. Bandit listened, intent and silent before giving her a nod to continue. "It was about the death of my son. Diesel held me back and made me watch as Stefan ripped out my baby's throat. I was helpless. I've had the same nightmare every time I fall asleep ever since it happened. I'm terrified to have pups because whenever I did they were always killed. I don't want to watch any more of my pups murdered in front of me, Bandit. I don't want to ever go through that again."

Bandit notices Nadia becoming unsettled and he curled up around the troubled female and smiled when said female sunk into him, feeling safe and protected. Bandit licked the top of Nadia's cranium and noticed that he put her to sleep with his warmness.

Waking up, Nadia used to despise. She used to say "great, another day of suffering". But Nadia didn't feel like that anymore when she woke up. She woke up feeling warm and protected and smiled when she noticed Bandit curled around her. With a smile still plastered on her maw, she nudged Bandit awake with gentleness. The brute awoke with a yawn.

"Is there trouble?" Bandit asked, sleep still detected within his voice as another yawn escaped his maw.

"We're good," Nadia replied with a chuckle.

Bandit gave a soft smile, giving the female a gentle lick on her cranium before getting to his paws. Stretching, Bandit gave one last yawn before straightening back up. He looked down at Nadia as she smiled up at him before watching as she also got to her paws.

"Thank you for calming me down last night after my nightmare," the female thanked the brute. "Also thank you for curling around me and making me feel safe."

Smiling, Bandit then says, "Anytime. I'll always be here for you."

Nadia realized that she was gaining feelings for Bandit but she was afraid he didn't feel the same way about her. The female had no idea what to do.

A couple of days passed. Nadia and Bandit were casually walking. They had been traveling for a while and had yet to stop and take a break.

"We should stop at that river coming up," suggested Bandit, looking over at Nadia to see her nod her approval.

The pair strolled to the calm river and once at the edge they both lowered their craniums to lap at the cold water. They both unintentionally let out a refreshed sigh. Once done satisfying their thirst, they lifted their cranium and gazed at each other. Nadia heard her stomach growl and she gave a sheepish laugh.

"Well, someone's hungry," Bandit teased. "I'll go hunting and get us food."

"We can hunt together," suggested Nadia with a smile

"You know how to hunt?" Bandit asked, surprised.

"Yes, I do!" Boasted a proud Nadia. "I'm better than Azrael!"

Bandit gave a proud smile and they both went off to hunt. Upon returning, Bandit was shocked. They had managed to bring down a buck, just the two of them.

"Oh my!" Exclaimed Bandit with a gasp. "You're amazing! The best hunter I've ever seen!"

Nadia gave him a soft, genuine smile and nuzzled him in thanks.

"Hey, Nadia?" Bandit asked, voice shaky with fear.

"Yeah, Bandit?" Nadia asked with a confused tone to his shaky voice.

"Do you want to be my mate?" he asked, shy.

Nadia gave a soft gasp, looking over at Bandit with joyful tears in her orbs.

"Yes!" exclaimed Nadia with a bright smile. "I'd love to be your mate!"

The two smiled before nuzzling each other with affection. Maybe things were finally getting better and everything would be okay? Nadia believed so.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Word Count: 1756 Words

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Forever and Always,


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