Chapter Twenty Two: The Morning After

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Logan groaned when she felt someone poking against her cheek, her own hand coming up to swat at it impatiently before nuzzling back into the warmth that was pressed against her side. Her eyes flew open when she remembered the warmth was Stanford's naked body pressed against hers and realized that the finger attacking her face was far too small to belong to him.

"I went to go potty and someone knocked on the door," Rori whispered, crawling onto the bed and over Logan so she could settle on top of Stanford's chest. She watched as her daughter gave Stanford's face the same treatment she had just gotten, heart racing inside of her chest. The only thing that gave her comfort was the fact that she knew Kyle wouldn't knock on the front door like a civilized human being, he would have kicked it in and gone after Stanford before moving on to her and then their daughter.

She sat up in the bed, not caring that the blanket fell down while she reached for her tank top on the floor. Rori had seen her nude more times than she cared to count and she thought it was important for her daughter to be familiar with a woman's anatomy, and to see that there was nothing to be ashamed of.

She tugged her tank top over her head and almost jumped out of her skin when she felt Stanford's hand brush against her hip. She looked over her shoulder at him and melted when she saw that he had wrapped his arms around Rori and was nuzzling his nose into her hair, pressing kisses to the top of her head.

"Someone's at the front door," Logan said softly, reaching down to grab her pajama pants and panties off of the floor. She slipped them over her legs and pulled them up in one smooth motion when she stood up before turning to look at the two hooligans that had taken over her bed.

"I'll get it. You two start breakfast," Stanford yawned, patting Rori on the back before slipping her off of his chest and throwing the blanket off of his body.

Logan tried not to blush when she saw the scratch marks on his chest and ignored the way her thighs throbbed every time she took a step. Watching him drag his own pajama pants on and stand up with Rori attached to his back did funny things to her heart, and she didn't know which was more dangerous to her wellbeing; the fact that she had slept with him or the fact that she was probably in love with him.

She trailed after them down the hallway and let out a scream when the door flew open, bouncing off the wall with enough force to leave a hole behind. She watched Stanford go from sleepy lover to fierce protector in the span of three seconds, dislodging Rori from his back and setting her safety on the floor while Elijah drug a struggling man through the doorway.

Logan scooped her daughter up in her arms and raced to the corner of the living room, heart beating like a bass drum against her rib cage. Relief was quick to come when she saw the rest of their rag-tag group come rushing in through the doorway, identical looks of fury settled on their faces like masks.

Darcy stepped away from the knot of people, Parker on one hip while Zoey held her other hand, and came to a stop in front of Logan.

"We're going to Rori's room to change Parker's diaper and play for a little bit until breakfast is ready. You don't come and get us until this is taken care of," Darcy said sternly, and Logan could see just how tightly the other woman was holding herself together from the lines around her mouth and ridged set of her shoulders.

She was thankful that the remaining members of the group waited until they heard the bedroom door close before springing into action, and even more thankful when Charlie held her hand out for her to grab onto when she finally worked up the courage to walk over to them.

"You have thirty seconds to start talking," Elijah hissed, shoving the struggling man against the wall and pinning him there with a forearm against the base of his throat. It was odd to see the man who treated the children in their group like glass ready to break a man in half, but she knew that it was better to have him being the one to do the talking than Stanford. They would at least get answers before the man had a busted up face this way.

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