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Me and alexis got in my white range rover, I started the engine and we were off . we were in the car for about 40 -50 minutes then we got there I saw the for bus and Parke the car and got out. We got in like ,we weren't far from the entrance but we still had an hour till VIP was aloud in. All of a sudden I hear people start saying "OMG" I turn around and my car is rolling down the hill .(I parked on a hill ) I turn to alexis in complete shock and screamed "SHIT I DIDN'T PULL THE E- BREAK " I started running after my car. Luckily it wasn't a steal hill so the car wasn't going that fast. I finally caught up to it ,jumped in and stopped before it got to the intersection that was very close. Once I got back from parking my range rover . I got back in line with alexis .

*Alexis POV*

Krystal and i were standing in line when every body starts gasping and saying "OMG" we both turn around and her range rover was filing down the hill she turns and looks at me and says "SHIT I DIDN'T PULL THE E- BREAK" which I have to admit is kind of funny . once she got in the car I turned around and was shocked at a lose of words, sierra Jacobs sister was standing right in front of me!! I had a mini heart attack just saying.

Sierra: hey what happened?

Me:oh ..u-uh my friend didn't pull the E- break and her car started rolling down the hill but it's all good now.

Sierra: oh we'll that's good I'm glad everything is alright.

Me: yeah me too , hey can I get a picture?

Sierra: yeah of course!!

*we took a picture of us side by side making a funny face *


sierra: are you two here to see Jacob or Dylan?

Me: I'm hear to see Jacob she's hear to see Dylan she's in love with him, he's all she ever talks about.

Sierra: well I'm glad you guys are hear. I'm taking part in the meet & greet today so I'll see you in there

Me: okay sounds good see you soon

Sierra: bye

Me: bye

*Krystal POV*

I got back in line with alexis and while I was gone apparently she has a full fledged conversation with sierra Jacobs sister and got a picture. Good news is she's gonna be in the meet & greet as well I've wanted to meet her for a long time. We were the next people to go in. Now I. Nervous .



thanks for reading ♥♥♥ you


Alexis twitter -@alexishoague

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