your f*cking dream came true

Start from the beginning

"simone what the fuck is your problem? why are you so adamant to defend those bastards?!" darryl exclaimed.

"those "bastards" are the only people that actually cared about me! that spent time with me! that loved me!" she shouted back at him.

"you saying I don't?! you're on some fucking bullshit simone because everything that I do is because of you!" he said.

"killing people?! why are you killing people for me darryl?! why are you doing the same shit that dad has twenty five years plus for?!" she cried out.

"they made it seem like i'm some type of serial killer" he scoffed. "what they forgot to mention is how I only "killed" ONE PERSON due to self defense".


"but does me hustling for car parts make it right? me making money for me and you to live in that house, pay for all of those bills, make sure that you have somewhere to lay your fucking head make it right? cause you working at that dry ass music store sure won't be paying bills" he spat at her.

"what?!" she exclaimed.

"that's what I do simone, I sell the car parts to the racers around LA. that's my hustle, that's why i'm always out, that's why i'm constantly "in shit"... you don't know how crazy that business is. I have to work my ass off to do shit, to make sure that myself and you are secured for as long as we can" he told her.

"I feel like you're lying" she said.

"lying?! why the FUCK would I be lying about that shit huh?! don't you know how fucking hard I work for that shit?!" he yelled.

"WHY DID YOU NEVER TELL ME?! what's with the "asher" name? and if you claim to do this, why did you kill someone over fucking car parts? why are you constantly out late and why does everything about you and your friends scream like y'all are doing some criminal shit?!" simone continued to ask him.

"to protect you" darryl said.

"simone, what I do can get crazy. sometimes what I do is smooth. I get my money, the racers get their parts for their cars. but in other cases, shit can get crazy and niggas are trying to fuck with me and my crew, hence why I don't fuck with torreto. imagine if people really knew my personal life and they came to the house while I was gone and you were there and they did some shit. shoot it up, loot it, come in and do something to you? I would lose it, and then you really wouldn't have a brother".

simone was so perplexed by everything that was going on right now. she was confused, still a little bit hurt, and just wondering why this was all kept from her. it made no sense to her. why would her brother hide that he sold parts to racers? it was similar to what brian and his friends did, get car parts and fix up cars. why was this all a lie?

"why couldn't you just get a normal job? god why does this family have to result to the worse do live their lives? why couldn't we just be normal?!" simone cried. "why couldn't mom be clean, why couldn't dad not join a gang? why can't mom be alive right now? why can't dad be out of jail, never even went".

"don't you know how hard it is living out here simone?! they were never gonna get out of that" darryl said to her. "you see why i'm so protective over you? if you ever ended up like mom or dad I wouldn't know what to do".

"that's the problem with you darryl... you're so overprotective of me and you feel like you need to be my father when you're not" she said.

"don't you realize that's why I resent you so much? you try to act like you're doing good for me when in reality you're hurting me and you're making me hate you? you trying to "protect" me isn't good, it's toxic and I hate it".

"but who else is going to simone? i'm the only person you have!" he exclaimed.

"no you're not! I had brian perfectly fine but you just had to ruin the one stable relationship that I ever had with a man!" she shouted out.

"I love brian darryl, I really do. he makes me happy and makes me feel good, something that I barely feel as it is. you've been trying to ruin everything with him ever since you saw him, that's why I had to hide him from you! couldn't even tell the one person truly in my life that I was in love and happy because I was and am afraid of how they would react".

"but what if he's not what he seems like simone? then you gonna be crying to me and imma have to do something!" darryl exclaimed.

"you're just making excuses so I don't have to be with him" simone scoffed.

"nah my shit is real, i'm being forreal" he said.

"well if you care about me so much then you'll understand this" she said.

"darryl it's only us, we only have each other. you're the one that's only pushing us further and further apart. just let me have happiness for once in my life! we've been going through shit since we were born! why don't you wanna be happy for once? just let your loved ones be happy instead of trying to be in control of everyone in your life".

darryl was silent now. he had nothing to say to simone, especially since the whole time they've been speaking it's been nothing but the same talk and excuses from him and simone preaching about how he should just back off and how if he didn't have his "hustle", things would be fine. if he wasn't so damn overprotective, things would be PERFECT.

"fine... you don't want me protecting you? you don't want me to keep you from ending up dead like our mother or in jail like our father, or even more fucked up then the both of them then fine" darryl said as he got up.

"i'm gone".

"of course you would take it out of proportion" simone sighed.

"nah i'm just following your orders" he said. "you want me to stop protecting you so I will. i'll leave you the fuck alone forever. don't ever ask me nothing, don't ever ask me a thing".

"darryl stop please I didn't even say-" simone began to say.

"you always calling me an asshole and saying that i'm always "ruining your life" and doing shit, so imma let you go. you can go off and live a fucking fairytale life with that white boy if you want too. I probably wouldn't be invited to the wedding anyways so it makes it even better for you" darryl began to rant.

"you're welcome to move out too, go live with him and shit. have little white and black kids with him, do whatever the fuck you want cause i'm sure as hell not gonna give a fuck anymore" he continued.

"your fucking dream came true".

darryl walked out of mia's apartment, shutting the door on his way out, leaving simone in tears. simone always would say things about darryl, calling him "awful", an "asshole", saying that he's this, that, and the third. but she was mostly saying it as a little sister, pissed off at her big brother, like anyone else would be.

now she just lost him. all she wanted was just him to ease up off her, but she lost him completely now.

even though they were the only ones left of the asher family that were actually around, each one was on their own. not together, not on speaking terms, and now possibly not even living together.

the family was done, and there was nothing else to do or say about it.

family affair - p.walker  (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now