Part twenty-two

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Bakugou's POV

We got back to the dorms and we entered my room. I sat on my bed and pulled his hips towards me. He immediately sat in my lap. I tightened my grip around his waist. Shoto kissed my cheek. "I'm glad you guys worked together and found us" he had said. Us? He means the others? Well duh, he's a hero. "I had to get you back, what ever it takes" I said brushing the hair out of his face. He nodded as I cupped his cheek. Shoto leaned into the touch as we stared in each other's eyes. "What do you think about pups? Like what if I knew someone that was pregnant and wanted to be a hero?" He asked. Who's pregnant? Denki?
"Pups are okay, sometimes annoying. If they wanted to be a hero but was pregnant, they could probably study but not train. If they could do that at least" I said questionably. He nodded and put his hands on my torso and pulled himself up into my chest. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his back.
"Katsuki. Would you still love me if I had a pup?" He asked. Why wouldn't I love him? He's my mate, I made a commitment to him and only him.
"Of course, and don't go thinking different" I say and pulled him into view. He nodded and I kissed him.
"Why you so worked up over this?" I ask as he looks down and grabs my hand.
"I" he started, he took a breath. I raised my eyebrows. "I'm pregnant" he finally muttered out. My eyes widened, he's pregnant!? I pull him into my embrace. I was speechless. I usually always know what to say but now I don't know what to say. I mean we will be graduating soon, so that's good at least. I pulled away and looked at him.
"Your serious?" I ask, we are gonna have a pup. Holy shit. Shoto nodded and looked down. His eyes were glossy and I realized he probably thinks I don't like this.
"Shit. We're having a pup" I said as he jerked his head up. He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me. 
"Are you" he paused "okay with it?" he asked.
"Yeah, we can talk to Aizawa and Nezu and see what they say" I say and rub his back. I took his cheek in my hand again and rub my thumb over his cheek softly.
"Your my mate, of course I'm okay with it" I say reassuringly. He smiled softly. We soon fell asleep while I comforted Shoto.

The next day

We had just left from talking to Nezu and Aizawa. They said he would be doing exactly what I said, studying and doing small things he can do. Plus he's gonna be a good hero, they can't loose a hero like him. We had went and gotten soba to celebrate. We sat in a corner in the small noodle shop. He sat across from me as he slurpped up the noodles. I had gotten soba as well, I'm more of a spicy ramen guy but I'll eat cold soba with him for once. I had been thinking when Shoto suddenly tapped my hand. I looked up confused and he smiled.
"Thanks for taking me out to get soba, I'm usually the one to pay so it's nice" I usually try to talk him down to pay for everything we get but since he has a lot of money he insists on paying. For once I actually got to pay for this.
"You don't have to thank me, this is a celebration for us" I said as he blushed and took another bite. I looked down at my noodles and picked up some noodles with my chopsticks and took a bite as well. We soon had finished and I had taken him to a cafè next. We had gotten our drinks, he had got tea and I got coffee. We walked through a park, it was nice out. Cherry blossom trees were everywhere and the sky was nice and blue. Shoto grabbed my hand and looked up at me. I moved my gaze to meet his eyes. His leaned towards me and kissed my lips, his lips were nice and soft like usual. He looked around and then back at me and smiled.
"I can't wait for us to be taking our pup to this park some day" he said and squeezed my hand.
"Me too, I'm glad your my future" I admit to him. After finishing our drinks we headed back to UA. We're not gonna tell much people for now, we will when Shoto is ready. I know we don't have a lot of time cause people will start questioning things when he starts acting different and his belly grows. We walked to the dorms and Momo and Jirou walk up to us.
"Todoroki! How you feeling, glad you're back" Momo had said as Jirou nodded in agreement.
"I'm okay Momo, thank you" he can be a little formal with others but at least he finally started using her first name, I mean she is his bestfriend. I'm not the most affectionate person with friends but I usually use first names if it's important. Shoto is different, he uses peoples first name when he's close to them. Which is just me and Momo. A little bit with Deku but not much anymore. They were still talking and I looked at Jirou.
"How you doing by the way" she asked.
"I'm good" I replied, I've definitely calmed down. Still get angry at others but I've calmed down. She nodded and took out her phone.
"I gathered some music you might like, threw in some music Todoroki might like too" she finished saying.
"Thanks, needed some new music anyways" I said as she nodded. Shoto looked over at me and I knew he wanted to tell Momo the news.
"Hey, Momo can we go talk in private" he asked as me and Jirou glance at each other.
"Can we tell Jirou too?" I ask as he nodded and the two girls follow us to Shoto's dorm confused. We settled in and it was silent for a few minutes.
"Shoto, you know you can tell me, us, anything" Momo comforted him. He nodded and took a breath.
"I'm pregnant" I quickly say. The girls quickly smile.
"Holy shit" Jirou said and looked between us. Momo got up and hugged Shoto. Jirou looked at me.
"Never imagined you would be a dad" Jirou said with a chuckle. I roll my eyes at her comment. We talked for about an hour before the two girls left. Shoto climbed over to me and sat in my lap. I wrap my arms around him.
"Katsuki" he whispered. I nod as I look at him.
"I love you and I'm happy you're my alpha" he said as he hugged my waist tighter. I smiled and rubbed his back. "I love you too Sho" I looked down and seen he now has a pink blush dusted on his cheeks. Most likely from the nickname.

This is a shorter chapter but I'm sorta running out of ideas so I might do a time skip to when they are older with thy Bay Bay \_(".")_/

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