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They hurried out of the office and into the spacious government lobby decorated with Japanese symbols and UN flags. Stepping out, they found themselves on a bustling street with concrete towers and glass buildings piercing the vibrant blue sky, strung with wispy clouds. Small shops were located on the opposite side of the street and pedestrians in strange looking clothes walked back and forth. The people glanced at the pair dressed in full German uniform and holding military bags strangely, quietly murmuring and speculating to each other about the two out of time officers as they walked past.

Peter and Karl looked around, taking in the vast and overwhelming city bustling with activities. Peter began to feel dizzy. He walked a bit to the small fountain next to what he presumed was the administrative building. Karl followed suit, sitting down next to him. Peter put his hand up to his facing and gently massaged his forehead.

"What has happened, Karl?" He asked. Karl was silent. They listened and observed the traffic flowing by.

"Lets do some shopping."

The two German officers walked into a small pawn shop located in the more out of reach areas of the city. After wandering into the main bank to exchange currency, they were pleasantly surprised at the conversion ratio for the fist full of worthless bills they held in their hand. They walked through the streets, taking in the bizarre landscape. No hushed whispers hurriedly walking by, no threat of an enemy growing ever closer. Children laughed and people smiled. The bustling traffic full of noisy cars filled the city with life. Prices being shouted, signs flashing brightly with the allure of commercialism. For the first time in his life, Peter felt he was truly free to do anything. And with the shock of this new age slowly wearing off, he gradually came to the realization and blessed relief that, despite not being there to see it, the war was over.

"Peter? You alright?" Karl asked, bringing Peter back down to earth.

"Oh, yeah. I am fine." Peter looked towards the dimming sun slowly dropping under the horizon, signalling the end of the day.

"Sure. Lets get are selves some clothes, shall we?" Karl said walking towards a clothing store. Peter hurried along with him.

Karl opened the glass door to the cramped cloth shop. A small bell marked their entrance and a young lady at the counter greeted them. Peter smiled at her and began to browse the clothes. Furrowing his brow, Peter scrutinized the strange new outfits on sale. He pulled over Karl.

"What are these?" Peter asked. He was looking at a T-shirt with strange brand logos on them. "Why would you want to put a brand name at the center of your shirt?"

Karl picked up a blue pant made out of strange materials. He gently felt the rough denim that the jean was made of. "Have a look at this." he said as he handed the pants over to Peter.

"Is this what people wear these days?" He said staring at the combination. The girl walked over to the two inspecting the clothing.

"Is everything OK?" She asked, smiling.

"Do you have suits? Suit jackets? Uh.. Trousers perhaps?" Peter questioned the employee.

The young girl looked confused. "Sorry, sir. We don't sell those here. That would be in the tailor shop."

"Sorry to bother you, then." He apologized. Peter thought for a moment. Then, he asked another question. "Do young people these days wear these?" He said holding up the jeans and t-shirt.

Getting even more confused now, the clerk just nodded.

"Very well, we will buy these."

Dressed in new outfits now, the two walked out of the shop carrying their bags. Karl had bought a light jacket as well, while Peter refused to take off his officer's jacket, wearing it over his new T-shirt. Needless to say, the cute, yellow chicken with bright blue Japanese words on it did not match his scarred, military uniform with a Iron Cross pinned to it.

"Say, Karl. Where to next?" Peter said, confidently looking around.

"Well, I , for one, am famished." Karl replied, "How about we find somewhere to eat?"

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