Chapter 7: Speaking My Truth

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Only one thing is more frightening than speaking your truth, and that is not speaking at all. It takes courage to stand up and speak, but even if your voice shakes, speak.

Speak loud.

Speak often.

Speak your truth.

I will never apologize for speaking my truth. It has been far too long that I have let this go on this far, for a man to have such control over me.

There comes a moment when you have to chose whether to be silent or to stand up for yourself and by standing up for yourself, you inspire others to do the same. You show them that we confront things head on. Silence will only bring us down further, deeper into a cave where even if we speak out, we become an echo and not a clear voice.

Be a voice.

Not an echo.
"I cannot believe you actually are going through with this Emilia!" Mia Deacon, Emilia's private secretary was astonished that the royal would even consider speaking on the matter after her constant advisement to let it all pass in time.

Emilia side-eyed Mia from her chair carefully sitting as still as possible while Ella styled her hair. "It was my decision Mia and you must know by now that I don't exactly follow the princess rule book very often."

Tristan snickered from behind them in the corner gaining Mia's attention as she glared him down. "This is partly your fault too Tristan for allowing Emilia to gallivant all the way to London."

"That too was my decision Mia. Now if you are having such a hard time agreeing with me, I will gladly accept your resignation and find someone I can work with instead of my grandmother choosing for me." Emilia threatened Mia subtly. Mia had been assigned to work with the princess in an attempt to pull the reigns in on her unpredictable and rule breaker attitude by the Queen. She had struggled to find a common ground with Mia and knowing that she was not working in the best interest of Emilia. All Mia wanted from her was to sit still and look pretty, but she was damned if that was how she was going to live her life.

"Emilia is a free spirit. Let her fly and spread those gorgeous wings of hers." Ella piped in sharing a quick glance and a wink at Emilia.

"Yeah spread her wings like a bull in a china shop and break everything around her." Mia huffed out before leaving to check in with journalist Ingrid Lockwood, who was set to interview her.

"So..." Emilia subtly looked around seeing that the coast was clear. "How is it going with Leo?" She spoke in a quiet whisper.

Ella's face instantly lit up at the mention of Emilia's cousin's name. "Emilia!" Ella scolded her for even bringing up the subject. "He has been amazing Millie, I never thought he would be like that."

Emilia released a silent squeal with a quiet clap of her hands. She had set up Ella and her cousin Leonardo on a date knowing that they would instantly hit it off. Ella had found herself in a series of loveless relationships and deserved to be treated like a princess. Knowing that Leo would do exactly that she made the introduction and the two have been inseparable ever since.

"I knew it!" Emilia could not help but smile seeing the glint in Ella's eye. Their relationship was still being kept quiet with only a select few knowing of it.

Carefully applying some make up on the princess, it was Ella's turn to poke fun at the princess. "Meet anyone in London?" Ella cheekily stuck her tongue out.

"No." Emilia was quick to shut it down.

"Oh come on..." Ella chuckled turning her head back and forth knowing Emilia was hiding something. Emilia and Ella hit it off instantly when Ella stepped in during an emergency when her head stylist was caught in another country during a state visit. Firing her stylist for unrelated reasons, she immediately offered Ella a job and became friends ever since.

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