Chapter 23: So Rightly Wrong

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A/N: Hello fabulous readers! Thank you for supporting me while I took a well needed vacation to Europe! It was exactly what I needed for some relaxation and time away. It gave me lots of new motivation and cannot wait t share this next chapter with you.

Without further wait... here it is! Enjoy!


Life is made up of a series of choices.

Some are right.

Some are wrong.

Sometimes you can make the wrong ones right.

Sometimes the right ones are wrong.

The truth is that the right decision cannot be led by your heart or your head exclusively. One must win.

Logic or emotion.

Fear or love.

It is often the smallest of choices that can change your life and determine the path before you.

But, what happens when you feel your choice is so rightly wrong.

When it is right to protect someone you love, but wrong in every other way.

Is it betrayal to choose the rightly wrong? Or is it out of love?


Emilia pulled out her phone and scrolled to Harry's contact. She stared at the phone contemplating her decision, but her grandmother's threatening voice came into the forefront of her mind.

I know about him.

The princess was internally torn, hating the fact that she knew of the pregnancy and Harry would be kept in the dark. This was not how she wished for things to happen. Emilia hoped that one day he would understand the choices she had made in order to secure his future and be able to be a father to their child. The threat on his life was almost too much for Emilia to bare, to even think or comprehend. The mere thought of Harry not being a part of her life in some way nearly shattered her heart.

She closed her eyes and envisioned him here with her, wrapping his arms around her frame and placing his strong hands over top of her abdomen protectively covering her and their baby. Emilia could not describe this pull she had towards the British prince. It was if something cosmic was forcing their souls together, that they were destined to be together. That was the simplest way of describing how bounded to Harry she suddenly felt. That their lives were now tied together, forever. Emilia opened her eyes finding herself standing alone in her bathroom.

"I guess it is just you and I, little one." Emilia's lips turned up into a soft smile at the endearing name she called her baby. A sudden thought popped into the princess's mind. Even though Harry could not be here, she wanted to include him as much as humanly possible until he could be. Emilia wanted to put in the effort for her boyfriend to show Harry that she truly did want him to be apart of this baby's life from the start.

She grabbed her phone and opened the camera, pressing the record button. Emilia was going to document everything on video for Harry so he could watch back all the moments he had missed. She knew it would not replace him being there, but at least he would have something of this moment.

Emilia smiled into the camera not sure of where to start.

"Hey, Henry." Emilia's lips grew wider and beamed at the mere mention of his name. "I don't even know where to start. So I guess I will just show you." The princess grabbed a pregnancy test and held it in view of the camera. "I'm pregnant, Henry." Emilia breathed out slowly trying to calm the tears that were budding in her blue eyes. "I took three tests and they are all positive. My period was late for three weeks and well I guess we know why." The princess laughed nervously.

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