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┎┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┒chapter five: are you a Jedi?┖┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┚

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chapter five:
are you a Jedi?

WHEN MASTER WINDU  told her the news, Elysar felt ecstatic. She had been dreaming about a solo mission for ages and was over the moon with excitement that, unfortunately, had to be curbed in front of her rigid Master. Instead of squealing and jumping, which was what she actually felt like doing, Elysar responded with a smile so wide it made Master Windu shake his head.

Being given a solo mission meant trust — trust in her abilities, trust in her integrity, trust in herself. It was everything Elysar had been working for, the sweet culmination of her wild ambitions — a chance to prove to the Council and her Master that she was ready to take the Trials.

The thrill of the mission, however, dwindled considerably when Elysar learned of its nature or rather, whom it involved.

Jenza of Serenno, sister to the great Count Dooku, infamous socialite, her aunt.

Elysar had never really thought about her family. Sure, as a Youngling she would wonder where she'd come from but as she grew older, there was no time to dwell on make-belief — Elysar had much important matters to concentrate on. And moreover, she already had a family. She didn't need another one.

Yet back then family had been just a distant idea, an occasional thought to be brushed away. Jenza of Serenno, however, was real and she was waiting for her in the hangar of the Temple, and Elysar would have to spend days in the company of the woman whose blood was the same as hers. 

"You are to escort Lady Dooku to Alderaan," Master Windu told her as they walked the corridors to the destination.

Elysar felt a pang of irritation. She had been anticipating an adventurous endeavor, and this...well, this sounded decidedly boring.

"Since when do Jedi act as companions?"

"Mind your tongue, Elysar," Windu admonished, "There has been an attempt on her life. The Chancellor himself requested that Lady Dooku be escorted by a Jedi."

She grumbled something in reply and stayed silent the rest of the way. They were approaching the busy sunlit hangarm and Elysar couldn't but notice a grand airship that occupied the better part of the extensive area. A dozen of guards clad in foreign uniform were gathered before it, scanning the perimeter.

Elysar halted at the threshold, "Master."

Mace Windu seemed mildly vexed by her stalling, "Yes, Elysar?"

"I it wise? For me to come on this mission. She probably knows who I am and..."

"She does know who you are," he said, "She asked for you specifically."

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