Happy ending

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Agnetha's pov:

Why didn't he say anything when I told him I missed him, I know the audience started clapping but that wasn't a reason to not reply to me. I felt hurt, but we got called to the stage and we had to stand in front of all the photographers.
I walked by myself, I didn't wait for Björn cause apparently he was not interested, apparently he did like Lena. Apparently he didn't love me anymore.

I walked very far away from Björn, and stood at the other side of the stage. There was laughing, clapping and talking and I just stood there starring at my shoes, I hadn't felt that miserable in years.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I shrank back, cause it scared me.

"Anna don't be scared, it's me, Björn"

"Please leave me alone, I know you are not interested, I know you want to be with Lena and most importantly I know you don't love me"

I had just told him my feelings for him cause I knew it didn't matter anymore, there was nothing to lose.

"Don't love me!?" "Agnetha, do you have any idea how much I love you, do you?"

"Wait what?" "But why did you leave me all alone for all those years, why Björn?

"I think it's best if we discuss this somewhere quiet, okay?"

"yeah sure" I said

We walked to Björn's dressing room backstage while the madness was still going on, on the stage.

"Agnetha, I'm about to tell you something and please don't interrupt me until I'm completely finished, okay?"

"okay" I said

"So I know I'm coming with this more than 40 years too late, but I was such a chicken. The truth is that I've always loved you. yes, I was mad that Christmas and I know we had fights before that but that's what a healthy relationship is like, the fights came from both sides and if I'm being honest I totally lost it at Christmas when you left, I was so mad so I got together with Lena a week after we broke up and I don't even wanna think about how you must have felt, when you found out about it.
And then I've thought about leaving her, but it was already too late, the whole world knew about our divorce and about me and Lena being together, I was so scared.
And you know what Anna, I know I was stupid and I know we should've worked it out cause that's what love is all about. But do you have any idea in how much pain I've lived for the past 40 years."

He started having tears in his eyes.

"Being with someone who doesn't make you happy. Having so many regrets, kicking yourself everyday for being so stupid. And I've always been so sure that you would hate me and as I already said I was just a chicken but after what you just said during the musical, I know I'm ready to risk it all once more.

The tears were now streaming down his cheeks, and he could barely get out another word.

"I love you agnetha, I really do" please take this chance with me, I promise I won't let you down."

By the time he finished his speech I was also crying, of happiness and also the fact that I saw him cry.

"ohh Björn, I don't know what to say, I..I love you."

I put my hand on his cheeck and wiped away the tears, he started smiling and so did I.

Björn's pov:

We were now standing so close to eachother that I could feel her warm breathing.

"I'm ready for it Björn, I'm so ready to spend the rest of my life with you"

"Not that we have that much time left, I mean we are oLd" she said.

We started giggling.

Then I kissed her on her lips, after the kiss we looked into eachothers eyes and we both realized how magical that was. It was felt better then ever before, maybe it was the fact that we hadn't kissed for more then 40 years or the fact that our love had oy gotten stronger over the years.

Agnetha kissed me again and the second kiss was much longer then the first one.

"oh God Björn, I feel like a teenager again, we are here, away from all the other people making out in a dressing room"

I started laughing and gave her a hug and a kiss on her forehead.

"Let's go back to the stage, they're probably wondering where we were"

The next hour was filled with pictures, pictures and did I mention, pictures.

We both enjoyed it very much, I made sure I didn't let go of Agnetha the rest of the evening and when the party was over we left together.

March 2020:

Björn and Agnetha have been together since the premiere, Björn left Lena and moved in with Agnetha again, they are now living the happiest life with eachother and the rest of the family.

Still no one knows about their relationship apart from Benny, Frida and the family. But soon they're gonna get re-married and the ABBA fandom and the rest of the world would find out about them.....

Well that was my first real fanfiction, I hope you all liked it, I really enjoyed writing it but it was also very hard cause I'm such a perfectionist and I'm still not completely stratified with how it turned out but that's fine😅 I'll keep practicing

Maybe I'll write a sequel to this story, where they are getting re-married.

-xxx- rosie💞

Time means nothing here Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon