Agnetha's home, Oktober 2010

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Agnetha's POV:

I was laying on the couch next to the fireplace on a cold autumn night, I was shivering and wishing I had someone to warm me up, that thought immediately reminded me of Björn, just like he warmed me up when we first met, god I missed him!

I knew it had been more than 30 years since our divorce but still I felt a regret  every single day, like something was missing in my life, the most important thing in my life wasn't there. And the part that hurts the most is that I had to see him with Lena on every birthday and holiday, I couldn't stand them together because I knew what Björn's type was and it sure wasn't someone like Lena.

Of course Björn and I were very good friends, but I knew that Lena didn't like us talking with eachother, I think she could feel that deep down we still loved eachother, but she couldn't stop us from talking. We share so many memories together, and we will always love eachother, I mean I still loved him, but I could always feel that it was right even for Björn.

I started thinking about what a gentleman he was, kissing my forehead with his soft lips, holding my hand wherever we went, going through my long hair with his warm hands, kissing me with so much love and passion, I had butterflies in my stomach way longer than people usually have them, our love for eachother only god bigger every single day.
He used to hold me so close to him when we had to fly and I was absolutely terrified, he comforted me like no one else. I felt so save in his arms, like I could conquer the world with him. I hadn't felt like that after Björn, in fact I've never loved someone like I loved Björn, I really tried to forget him, but I never could he is the one, that's all I know

I was so caught up in those thought that I forgot we weren't together anymore, I looked up at the fire and realized it was 2010 and I was already 60 years old, Björn and I were divorced for more than 30 years, but it felt like yesterday.
I realized that I should stop waiting for him to come to me, I should do something about it now! I'm not the youngest anymore, and I want to spend the rest of my life with Björn!
I was finally ready to risk it all once more!

I realized I needed a plan, I couldn't just go to his house cause Lena was there as well, I had to talk with him without Lena being there, I went through my email, I hadn't looked at it in ages cause I hated to attend premieres and I declined almost every interview cause I wanted to leave that part of my life behind me, I really hated the media! They even blamed our divorce  and ABBA breaking up all on me, it still hurts me cause it wasn't only me.

Suddenly I saw an email about the mamma mia the musical premiere in Copenhagen and I remember hearing Görel talk about it, she told me that Björn was most probably the only one that was gonna attend, I felt like this was my chance to see him without Lena, the thought made me so happy yet so nervous, I wasn't gonna tell him I was gonna go cause I knew that if Lena found out I would come, she would go too and I didn't want that cause I knew how much different Björn was when we were together with the 2 of us.
So I decided to just show up.

Part 2 coming soon!!
ps: please excuse my English, there are probably a lot of mistakes lmao

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