The premiere

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Agnetha's pov:
It was 4 pm, I had been driving my car for the past 6 hours, only 45 minutes left and I would arrive at the premiere in Copenhagen, I hadn't been this nervous in years, the reason for that was because I felt like it was my last chance to get Björn back and I didn't want to ruin it.

As I drove into Denmark the radio started playing "does your mother know" My heart started beating so fast, this had to be a sign, I turned the volume up and started to sing a long, I was surprised that I still knew all the words, I had to admit that "does your mother know" was one of my favourite abba songs, I loved it so much cause I really loved Björn's voice, his voice was hot, there's just no other way to put it.

As the song ended I realized how many butterflies in my stomach I had.

"god is it even possible to feel like this at my age"

"I'm out here fantasizing about Björn, but-"

"Björn probably almost forgot about my existence"

"He loves Lena, as hard as it is to believe he can like someone like her, it's true, he loves her"

"What the hell am I doing"

"I shouldn't be doing this, I should've stayed home"

I started to have second thoughts but it was already too late cause I promised Görel to come and I couldn't let her down. I had no choice but to attend. I thought I was just gonna avoid eye contact with Björn, get on the red carpet and watch the musical, I'll be out of there as soon as I could.

Björn's pov:

There I stood, all by myself, I was about to step on the carpet and smile for all the press and photographers. I wasn't feeling it at all.

"I wish I was at home with Agnetha, I mean Lena."

"God why did Agnetha come to my mind before my wife did"

I tried so hard to forget about Agnetha, but I couldn't, I had to stop myself from fantasizing about her while I was laying in bed next to lena, I had to stop myself from going through the box with old pictures and memories, I had to stop myself from wanting to leave Lena. But I couldn't. I just couldn't.

"Okay Björn, focus!"

"you can do this!"

As I walked towards the building I heard footsteps behind me, I could hear it was a woman by the sound of her heels. For some reason they sounded familiar to me, her footsteps sounded so magical and comforting.
I turned around and there she was, the most beautiful woman alive. My dream woman. My little girl. My Agnetha.

I didnt know how to act or what to do so I just said "hey"

"Hello Björn" She answered in a very cool tone without looking me in the eyes.

Agnetha's pov:

I know I promised myself to avoid Björn, but it was too late, he looked into my eyes with his angel eyes and I just couldn't help but give him a hug, as I hugged him, he pulled himself so close to me, it felt so right like no time had passed.

"Björn. You should let go now, there are people staring" I said.

"Yes, you're right, let's go inside"

"Are you sure you want to go with me? I mean what would Lena think?" I said

"Don't worry Agnetha, you are more important now"

From that moment on I couldn't stop smiling.

I hold onto his arm as we entered to building and walked down the stairs. There were a hundred photographers with their flashing lights and as much as I used to hate it, I really enjoyed it right now. It gave me such a nostalgic feeling to do this together with Björn and I could tell that he was enjoying himself as much as I was, we were standing there together smiling for the press. He looked at me and whispered just for me to hear:

"I missed you Agnetha, didn't you miss me too?"

My heart stopped pounding for a moment. Did he just say that he missed me, oh my god. I smiled at him and replied:

"You have no idea how much"

Why did this feel exactly the same as our first date. The way I felt when he said something sweet, the way he smiled when I looked into his eyes. Nothing had changed it was like we fell in love all over again.

Björn's pov:

When Agnetha said she missed me too, I felt so relieved, but also confused, did she miss me as in her friend or did she miss me as her husband I once was.
There wasn't any time to ask her cause it was so busy and crowded, they brought us to the audience to watch the musical.
There were names on the chairs and Agnetha and I were sitting next to eachother, I wonder who did this.
I mean the chance of us sitting next to eachother was very little considering the amount of special guests that were there. It must have been those björnetha shippers who want nothing more than us getting back together, god I love them.

I could tell that we were both very nervous.
We didn't say a word to eachother the whole time, until they sang "the winner takes it all" I looked at Agnetha and I saw that she had tears in her eyes, I didnt know what to do. I thought:

"Should I comfort her or should I pretend I didn't see it cause who knows if she cries about us or about the beautiful musical"

I decided to pretend I didn't see it cause I was too scared, until they sang the lyric "Somewhere deep inside, you must know I miss you, but what can I say rules must be obeyed" 
and I heard her sniff and saw an actual tear running down her cheek. I placed my hand on her leg and whispered: "Everything is gonna be okay, I'm right here"

"It's true Björn" She said

"What's true darling?"

"You must know I miss you"

"Agnetha, I...."

As I wanted to say that I still loved her the audience started clapping and the musical was over.

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