New Beginnings

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"The life in front of you
is far more important
than the life behind you."
Joel Osteen

Elle and Bella stand on the curb, the former watching her twin as she carefully scoops a tiny cactus into a clay pot.

The twins are snapped out of their reverie by a voice from the other side of the road, "Bye Bella!"

There stands a group of three tanned, blonde girls, a stark contrast to the pale, brunette twins.
"I hope you enjoy your new school, Elle," one calls, Elle smiling and calling back, "If I enjoyed school here, I'll enjoy school there too."

Bella smiles at the interaction, knowing that her sister is most definitely the more social of the two.

The three girls drive off in a convertible, leaving the twins to watch as the car disappears.

Elle watches her sister stand, and then stumble in her typical clumsy nature. Chuckling as she moves to Bella's side, Elle can't help but comment, "You'd swear you were the one with Meniere's."

"I hate you," Bella groans.

The twins hadn't noticed their mom coming towards them, but Renee makes herself known after the older girls response, "Elle loves you too, honey. But my phone isn't working again."

Thrusting her phone at the older twin, Renee is quick to turn to Elle and smile, "And don't think I didn't hear your comment."
Elle merely grins at her mother, the two sharing a laugh after Renee states, "I swear it too sometimes."

"You two ganging up on me is not fair," Bella complains, although the corners of her lips quirk up, "And by the way mom, you just put it on hold."

There's a small pause before Bella jokes, "And called Mexico."

At that, Elle bursts into laughter while Renee shakes her head at her daughters.
As soon as the laughter dies out, Renee remarks, "I'll figure it out. You two need to be able to reach me and Phil on the road; I love saying that- on the road."

Bella and Elle share a smile at their mother's obvious excitement as Phil, their stepfather, carries their suitcases from the house to the car.

Renee continues, "Now, you know if either of you change your mind, I'll race back here from wherever the game is."

The twins both know that she means it, but they also know that she would be unhappy, so Elle is quick to reassure their mom, "We won't change our minds."

Turning towards the older of the two, Renee states, "But you've always hated Forks."

"That's just because I never got used to it," Bella responds with a small shrug.
"I think Bella will grow to love Forks," Elle adds, "Just like I did."

Renee finds this satisfactory, and everyone is quick to climb into the packed car.


When Elle sees Charlie waiting for the two at the airport, she leaves Bella, who pushes their suitcases on a trolley, and runs towards him, exclaiming happily, "Dad!"

Charlie braces for impact, having grown accustomed to the greeting of his younger daughter.

Elle lunges at her dad, wrapping her arms around his neck as he catches her, having to resist spinning around, having learned the hard way that it was a bad idea.

Although Elle has had Meniere's for nearly five years, her dad is still learning about it, as well as how to help her handle it.
He used to spin her every time he picked her up from the airport when she visited, but with Meniere's, that was a no-no.

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