14. A Stranger in Gold

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        DRESSED IN HIS BLUE silk pajama-like robes and earth shoes, Michael gathered with Urielle and Gabriel on the training room floor, stoked for his next lesson and ready to learn their strange and supernatural craft. Little did he realize just how much he would soon come to regret his excitement, his instructor's methods anything but subtle. A beginner's lesson was expected, but what he would receive would be no less than the beating of his life, and an eye-opening venture, the first of many he would never forget.

    Michael's feet sank gracefully into the thin, padded mat spanning the entire training room floor. Bright rays of afternoon sun beamed through the multicoloured stained glass windows nestled high above their heads. Particles moved carelessly through brilliant sunbeams like twinkling fairy dust gracefully choreographed to dance around the many oak support beams and balconies above. The architectural design had the appearance of a Catholic church— a vibe that made him feel as though God Himself was overseeing their training and keeping a watchful, observant eye on every move.

    As they stood in a triangle formation, Gabriel crossed his arms and considered his student for a moment.

    'The first thing we are going to teach you is basic combat,' Gabriel began. 'Now, have you had any kind of defensive training at all—anything formal?'

    Shaking his head, Michael recalled a life of simplicity in most aspects; very little experience when it came to self-defense, outside a few school yard tussles and wrestling with his older brother from time-to-time. He hadn't really tried out for sports in his youth either. In the Archer family home there simply was no encouragement for him; Derek sure, but he was always considered the small and fragile child, seemingly made of glass and incapable of handling anything resembling a contact sport. This was a theme that remained etched into his very soul to this very day; to try his strengths in anything physical was still considered a foolish endeavor as far as his father was concerned.

    'That is quite alright.' Gabriel remained optimistic. 'Some things come rather natural if one is properly motivated.'

    'I've never really been in a fight before.' he admitted with a lowered glare.

    'It matters not.' his instructor shrugged. 'Normally I would walk you through a few weeks of basic combat and defense procedures, but you are a rather special case, Michael.'

    'I'd prefer taking my time and easing into it, Gabriel.'

    'A waste of time, I am more than positive.' he countered. 'There is nothing I can possibly teach you that you do not already know. Believe it or not, your skill far exceeds anyone in this castle.'

    'Yeah, sure.' Michael laughed at the thought, staring into the beautiful but intimidating eyes of Urielle. 'Whatever you say, Gabe.'

    'Laugh if you will, Michael, but I have a feeling you are going to be a quick learner.'

    Before he finished his sentence, Urielle had leapt at him, her knee hitting his rib cage like a sledgehammer, catching the newbie completely off guard. He staggered backward and gasped for air, the blunt impact knocking the wind from him.

    'What the hell!' he moaned in agony as his knee hit the padded floor, but before he could catch his breath her rock-hard fist met his jaw, flooring him with little effort. Taking a moment, he took in a lungful of much-needed air and looked up into Urielle's unimpressed glare, the metallic tinge of blood filling his mouth. The sting of a coming swell crinkled his brow as he lay upon the floor. 'Owe.'

    At this moment Gabriel look upward to the balcony above to see a set of observant red eyes watching carefully but trying to remain somewhat incognito. Samael kept his hands at the small of his back, quietly rooting for the winded newcomer. It was Melanie's idea to begin his first lesson with such a harsh approach, quite sure that if Michael was properly motivated, he could be up to par with the rest of them in no time, and the Immortal agreed.

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