Well, I didn't need to get closer to it since I could clearly see it from my current position. The meteorite looked to be completely black from the outside, but since it was cracked, I could see that the inside was hollow, and was colored purple, red, and a bit of white.

Then, from the crack of the meteorite, a puddle of black goo oozed out of it. I don't know what the purpose of that is, but I my spider senses were tingling. And yet, I found myself walking towards the goo without care now.

I didn't know why, but I felt that it was calling me. It was faint, but I could hear a mix of a demonic and feminine voice telling me,

???: "Come closer..."

Going with my gut once more, completely disregarding the danger I felt, I appeared in front of the goo.

I looked left and right, but all I saw was trees. Crouching in front of the goo, I studied it the best I can without touching it.

Yet, once again, I heard a whisper in my head.

???: "This is a beautiful host..."

I was confused once more, the whisper sounded evil, yet it somehow seemed like it came from a succubus because in someway, it tempted me. The moment I heard the whisper again, I became dazed, when I heard it whisper beautiful, I scrunched my eyebrows, but the instant I heard "host", I stared wide-eyed at the goo, many thoughts about alien creatures turning humans into husks to use as their own bodies came to mind.

I quickly stood up and slowly backed away, not trusting the black goo one bit as I never let it out of my sight.

However, the moment I was a meter away from it, the goo suddenly turned semi-solid and lunged at me. Instinctively, I tried kicking it away, but it didn't work as the goo seemed to surround my foot.

Seeing this, I immediately tried getting it off.

"Ewewewewewew!!! Grossgorssgrossgross!! Get off!!" I shouted as I tried to get it off my kicking and stomping. Sadly, it just remained on my foot.

I tried to wipe it off the ground, but it still didn't work. Suddenly, the goo began to crawl up, seemingly expanding!

"Shitshitshit!! Oh ma gawd get off meh!!!" I began to panick, not knowing what to do.

Out of desperation, I unknowingly tried to pry the goo off with my hands, but it only made it worse. It looked so disturbing as parts of it connected to my hand.

The goo was like those slimes in games and anime, only it was a scary version of it, because, you have to be honest, generic slimes are cute. But, back to the goo.

It literally was like a horror slime! It was like sticky water, but parts of itself doesn't get separated, because everything was connected to it.

A minute didn't even pass when the goo reached my chin. I didn't know what to do anymore.

I never known something like this, so I had no way of fighting back. I just layed on the ground, hoping that it would be a good alien, and nothing bad to happen.


Regaining consciousness, the moment I opened my eyes, I only saw the starry night. I layed there, dazed for a few seconds, before I sighed in relief.

"It was just a dream. Great." is what I said to myself, completely believing that.

"Did I seriously just sleep in the middle of the park?" I asked myself, not knowing why I did so.

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