Luna had been about 6 years old and it was her first time at Cheer Camp with her sister. She had been a curious child and had slipped away from everyone and went to explore the forest. Even at that young age, she felt drawn to it. Once inside the forest, she started exploring. After some time, she heard a loud growl and then a pained whiny noise. Slowly and quietly she heads in the direction she heard the noises come from and what she saw surprised and scared her.

There was a big brown bear towering over two little girl that looked to be close to Luna's age. The first girl had dark skin and dark wild curly hair with some white hair in the front, her eyes were flashing a golden yellow color as she tries to growl threaten to the bear even though she was in a lot of pain. She had three long bloody scratches going down the right side of her face, just barely missing her eye. She stands in front of the other girl protectively. The other girl had lighter skin and chocolate brown wavy hair with some white hair in the front as well. Her eyes were flashing the same color as the first girl, but she was also whimpering in fear. Along her right arm was a long bloody scratch. With one look, Luna has the urge to protect and help them.

Looking around, Luna spots a big rock and a big broken tree branch. Racing over, she picks up both and then faces the bear. Before the bear can take another step towards the girls, Luna throws the rock at its head as hard as she can. The rock goes soring threw the air and smashes into the bears head, knocking it to the ground. For Luna being a little girl, she was very strong. The bear gets to its feet shaking its head. With an angry roar, the bear turns towards Luna and charges her. When it was about a foot away from her, she swings the tree branch as hard as she can. The branch cracks in half from the impact with the bear and the bear goes soaring through the air, landing about 20 feet away for the girls. Luna swiftly moves in front of the two girls and gets into a defensive stance, something she saw one of her dads' workers do once. As the bear stands up, Luna feels a protective power flow through her body; she glares at the bear and growls warningly at it.

"Leave," she growls out.

The bear stares at her for a seconds before it gets a look of fear in its eyes and it backs down, the bear turns around and runs away. Once the bear is gone, Luna relax a little and slowly turns towards the girls. Both the girl's eyes have changed to brown and both slightly whine out in pain. Showing her hands, Luna slowly goes over to them and sits down next to them. She takes off her light pink jacket and hands it over to the girls.

"Here to help stop the blood," she says, the first girl slowly reaches out and grabs the jacket. She tears one of the sleeves off and places it on the scratch on the other girl, then places the rips jacket on the right side of her face.

"Thank you," the first girl quietly says with pain in her voice.

"Your welcome," Luna replies, "I'm Luna"

After a second of hesitation, the first girl replies, "I'm Willa and this is Wynter."

It is silent for a few moments and Willa and Wynter watch Luna have some type of debate with herself. Then she gives herself a nod and looks at the two girls with a determine look in her eyes.

"I can help you with your wounds," Luna tells them quietly.

"How," Wynter asks

"Well, I have a gift that lets me heal other people if I want and I want to help you guys," Luna tries to explain.

Luna reaches for Wynter's injured arm but stops when Willa growls at her protectively, flashing her yellow eyes and fangs. Luna's breath stops for a second as she realizes that both girls are werewolves.

"I'm not going to hurt you and if I do, you can hurt me back," Luna says as she stares into Willa's eye.

Willa stares at her and sees that she is telling the truth in her eyes. With a hesitant nod she lets Luna reach out for Wynter. Luna gently places her right hand over Wynter's scratch, then she closes her eyes focusing. Luna feels a warm power feeling run through her body and ends at her hand. Both girls gasp quietly as they see a soft purple light come from Luna's hand and soak into Wynter's wound. The scratch starts to disappear, but then Luna lets out small pained whimper. Wynter and Willa snack their heads up to her and after a second, they see a scratch appearing on her arm in the exact same place that it had been on Wynter's arm. Luna lets go of Wynter's healed arm and wraps her hand around her injured arm.

The Lost will be Found// Zombies 2 x WyattDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora