call 911

722 31 33

* Trigger Warning *

Courtney's POV

I woke up slowly, not knowing what time it was, as I looked around the dark room. Ariana and Alexa were wrapped on either sides of me, and I could see Frankie on the other side of Ariana. 

The next thing I noticed, left me with an uneasy feeling in the pit of my core. The bed felt wet, not slightly damp, but drenched, and it was pitch black, I couldn't see anything so I sat up slightly. I figured it was just cold and my mind was playing tricks on me. 

"Court you awake?" Frankie asked from the other side of Ariana.

"Yeah." I yawned, sitting up to face him seeing he was also sat up. 

"Does the bed feel wet to you?" He asked, shaking my breath as if what I had just thought was coming true. 

"Yes." I said firmly, not even sure why my tone was so stern or why I suddenly had the worst feeling in the world. 

"Why is the bed wet?"

"Okay someone turn on the fucking light." I sighed, while Alexa got up moving towards the light switching it on.

It took a second for our eyes to adjust to the light, but once they had, what we saw next, took our breath away with fear.

The beautiful usually white sheets and duvet were now a dark red blood color around Ariana. The blood had seeped over to where we had all been lying and just looking at it made my stomach hurt. 

"Okay no one scream, the longer she stays asleep the better because we don't need her panicking in this state." Frankie whispered, eyes bulging. The three of us were shaking, hands sweating, heart racing, nothing seemed a slow pace or even... real, but they were the moments we were very much living. 

"Alexa c-call 911, I'm gonna call mom, no one w-wake her up."

My voice got stuck in my throat, Alexa was close to tears and Frankie was trying to remain calm as he dialed Joan's number.

"Mom- Ya I know it's late but- ari-ariana's she's asleep...court check and make sure she's breathing." He cried, tears beginning to run down his pale face but I nodded to what he asked. I moved steadily and carefully grabbing her hand and attempting to feel her pulse, which thankfully there was and I moved to put my hand in front of her mouth feeling her light breath. 

"She has a pulse and she's lightly breathing." I explained and Frankie nodded, repeating what I said back to Joan.

"An ambulance is coming." Alexa said coming in, her eyes tear stained and I opened my arms and she came and sat in my lap.

"Lex shhh she's gonna be fine."

"She-she can't go through anything else, sh-she just became o-okay a-again." She cried, and I started to cry at her words.

"Breathe Lex, Ar's is the strongest women we know, she'll be okay." All types of thoughts that usually I could control, started racing into my head. What if she lost the baby? What if she can't have kids anymore? What if-what if she dies? My heart sank into my stomach and my breath started to pick up but I knew I had to try my hardest to stay strong. I needed to. 

"Everything's gonna be okay." Frankie said looking over at me, seeing that I was shaken, and I nodded, breathing out a breath I didn't know I had been holding in. 

"How long did the ambulance say-"

"Fucking hell." The three of us heard making our heads flick around to look at Ariana who was starting to slowly open her eyes.

"Ari keep your eyes closed." Frankie panicked.

"No Frankie something's-something's wrong." But she sat up before opening her eyes and we watched as her mouth dropped, her hand racing up to catch the sob that was about to escape from her lips.

"N-no no no no."

"Ariana stay calm okay." I tried, and she was already starting to cry.

"M-my b-baby." She cried mumbling her words, letting us see her heartbreak.

"An ambulance is on its way you're gonna be fine." Frankie explained, reaching over to rub her back.

"N-No." She balled and I moved closer to her, moving Lex to sit beside me and pulled Ariana into my lap.

"N-no C-court I'm g-getting blood on-n y-you."

"Shhhh." I cooed but she leaned forward and gripped her stomach.

"Ah." She screamed gripping onto me.

"Shit where is this ambulance." Frankie mumbled as Ari gripped his hand, before she looked up at the doorway.

"M-mom." Ariana cried as Joan ran into the room with 2 EMS workers behind her.

"Hi baby." She cooed, but immediately regretted her choice in words which cause her daughter to cry harder as the 2 men lifted her onto a stretcher as we all walked slowly out of the house. Joan and I got into the ambulance while Frankie and Alexa started driving to the hospital in Ariana's car.

"Okay miss grande how many weeks are you?" One of the EMS workers asked.

"S-seven." Ariana winced and I squeezed her hand and we all saw as her eye lids started to get heavy.

"Ms. Grande." He asked.

"t-the b-baby.." She slurred, her eyes closing more and more as her head fell slowly back into Joan's hands. 

"Ari." I cried.

"Ariana." Joan asked again, and with no motion, Ariana didn't flinch.

I know. 😭

My heart broke too. 💔

This chapter is super emotional, but it felt right for the story ❤️

love you angels 💗

let me know what you think :) 

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