chapter •circumcision

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Raziye waited in her suite for her nephew and niece to arrive. She sent out one of her servants to invite Halime over. Raziye tapped patiently on her lap when a loud knock on her door was heard.

"Enter." Raziye announce, knowing they were waiting for her response. The door opens with first Dilruba and Mustafa walking inside hand in hand. Dilruba stops and bows first, unlike Mustafa who races over and threw himself into Raziye to give her a hug. Raziye returns the hug and kisses the curls on Mustafa's head.

"My lion, Mustafa." Raziye exclaims when Mustafa looks at her with a smile. Raziye takes his hands and waves them together. "There is a gift waiting for you."

Mustafa's eyes widen with excitement and he jumps in his place. Raziye laughs and kisses his small hands.

"Take our Sehzade to the terrace and let him see present made for him." Raziye tells a servant. The servant woman nods and takes Mustafa by the hand and leads him outside. Raziye looks at Dilruba and holds out her arms.

"Come here, my beautiful niece." Dilruba smiles and sits next to Raziye, allowing her to be hugged and to hug back. She leans onto Raziye's chest and didn't let go from the hug. Raziye pets her hair softly, enjoying the comfortable silences with her niece. "Don't think I forgot about you. I've got a gift for you as well."

Dilruba looks up at Raziye and smiles. Raziye looks to a servant who held a large box in her hands. Raziye beckons forward the girl and opens the box. Inside there were beautiful gems that will later in Raziye's life, be designed into jewelry for herself or others. She looks to Dilruba and smiles.

"Pick whatever kind of gems you like and I will make them into a beautiful necklace." Raziye says before pulling out a black velvet pouch from the box and taking out a smooth, light green stone. "So long as they are accompanied by this."

"It is beautiful, aunt Raziye." Dilruba gushes and touches the stone feeling the smooth surface.

"This is called Chrysoprase. It promotes joy and happiness and I wish you all the happiness in the world." Dilruba nods and stands up. She takes Raziye's hand and kisses the ring on her finger as a way of paying respects.

"Thank you, Sultana. As always, you think of us. May Allah protect you for us." Raziye motions for Dilruba to sit back down and the servant had the box set down to have the younger Sultana chooses. She watches as Dilruba searches through the box. That's when she notices finally.

Dilruba and Mustafa came in alone. In times like this, why wasn't Halime here and protecting her son?

"Where is your mother, Dilruba?" Raziye asks her. Dilruba looks at her shrugs.

"I don't know, Sultana." She answers and returns to setting aside a few gems. Raziye stands and makes her way to the entrance of the terrace. There she found Mustafa enjoying his gifts of wooden animals with shiny stones for eyes. He raises the lion with golden gem eyes up in the air to crash down on the wooden tiger.

The sound of her doors opening and shutting. Raziye turns her head to find Gulbahar bowing the Dilruba and turning to rush over towards her. Gulbahar bows to Raziye and leans in.

"Sultana, there is something important I must inform you." Gulbahar says in whispers to not let the young Sultana or Sehzade hear. Raziye looks in deep concern.

"What?" There, Gulbahar informs her of the plan Safiye Sultan and Handan Sultan agree on. The day Ahmed has his son, Mustafa shall die!

Days pass by and turn to a week and it was the night of Ahmed's circumcision. The young Sultan and his brother stand on the terrace watching the fireworks in awe. Raziye, dressed for the celebration, turns the corner from the pathway to the terrace joined them before she would have to join her mother in the harem for the celebration. Gulbahar was the only one with her since Raziye sent the rest of the ladies to the party early.

Carefree •Magnificent Century: Kosemजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें