"Hey look who I found" Sonny calls out when we get to the patio door.

"Hey" All of them say smiling at me.

Ray hands me a beer I thank him and down half of it.

"Wow" Clay whistles.

Soon the back yard is filled with laughter and a happy feeling I could get used to this.

"No way" I laugh after hearing some of the Bravo team stories.

We eat and then start a nice fire I lean back in the comfy lawn chair holding a fresh cool beer in my hands.

"Thought you guys would like to know that Matt is doing much better and went home with his girlfriend yesterday" I tell them.

"That is great" Sonny says raising his beer.

"How about you"? Jason interjects.

I think about that question how am I? I'm getting better that's for sure.

"My stitches itch but other than that I'm good" I say sipping my beer.

"How did things go with your boss" Jason asks, ugh I was hoping he'd forget about that.

"Less good" I admit lightly scratching the bandage on my head.

"How less good"? Ray wonders looking at me.

"He certainly wasn't happy with me that's for damn sure" I say dryly.

I can feel their concern like the setting sun on my back I know that there won't be getting through the rest of the night without telling them what really happened.

"There's more" Jason states.

"Come on guys this is supposed to be a fun and relaxing night do you really want to hear about the talk I had with my boss"? I ask them honestly.

I get a simultaneous yes from all of them. Ok they asked for it.

"He blamed me for what happened in Bulgaria and if that wasn't enough he fired me on the spot" I admit.

"He blamed you" Jason deadpans.

"Then fired you"? Trent gapes.

I nod at Trent who honestly looks even more shocked about it than I was when it happened.

"But it wasn't your fault" Clay protests hand squeezed around his beer bottle.

"What an asshole" Sonny mutters shaking his head.

I chuckle softly at Sonny's words since that's exactly what I said about Decker too.

"That's exactly what I said Sonny" I smile.

"Atta girl" Sonny nods.

The night winds down after that Clay, Derek, and Trent plus Brock caught cabs to go home Sonny on the other hand is passed out on Ray's couch. That just leaves Jason and myself to find ways home tonight we are standing on the sidewalk in front of Ray's house.

"You do know what happened wasn't your fault right"? He asks seriously.

"Yeah I do" I sigh looking out at the quiet houses on the street.

I can't help but shiver in the cool night air but then I feel something warm on my shoulders it's Jason's fleece. I quickly put my arms in the sleeves and smile as it warms me right up his cab shows up and soon after mine does I leave still huddled in his fleece.

-The next morning-

I squint against the early morning sunlight finding myself still wearing Jason's fleece he's going to need it if they get spun up. I shower and get dressed jumping in my car I drive to the base remembering Ray said the team was on call. The guards let me on after I show my badge and say I'm here to see master chief Hayes the badge that I guess I should've gotten rid of but what the hell Decker fired me. After some wandering I locate the Bravo team gear room and knock on the door it opens revealing a extremely hung over Sonny.

"Hey there big guy" I smile patting his arm.

"How are you so chipper? You drank almost as much as the rest of us"? Sonny demands dumbfounded.

"What can I say some people are just better at handling their alcohol" I shrug.

"Oh damn" Clay and Derek say at the same time.

"She's got you there Sonny"

I spin around to see Jason and Ray walk into the gear room I smile at them.

"Hey" Ray says giving me a hug.

"Hi Ray" I say hugging him back.

"What brings you all the way down here"? Jason asks me.

"Thought you'd like this back" I say tossing his fleece at him.

He catches it right before it hits him in the face.

"Thanks" He grins.

Before I can say anything to any of them 6 phones beep sadly that sound means they have to leave.

"Duty calls" Sonny claps his hands together.

I get hugs as they leave the room an especially big brotherly hug from Sonny and a very sweet hug from Jason.

"Be safe" I say to the empty room nervously rubbing my hands together.

-4 days later-

Today marks 4 days since the guys got spun up to god knows where, I'd be lying I said it wasn't eating at me not knowing what's going on because it is.  I've been hanging out Naiema Ray's wife we have been leaning on each today we are out having a girls day shopping.

"This is so not my colour" I grumble through the dressing room door.

"Trust me Kenzie it is definitely is your colour" Naiema replies stubbornly.

"Fine" I mutter opening the door to show her the soft emerald blouse she picked out with a pair of dark wash jeans.

"That's perfect for you" She encourages nodding her head.

"Really"? I ask staring at myself not convinced.

"Yes" She states.

"Alright I'll get it" I give in she's far more stubborn than me when it comes to clothes anyway.

We grab some lunch then head back to my house where we watch some movies and chat about the fact that the guys are still not back yet. I decided after she left to take a nap after all it hasn't been that long since Bulgaria.

The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up it's Naiema.

"Hello"? I ask turning over to get my glasses.

"Hey, just got the heads up the boys are on their way back" She tells me.

"That's great" I sigh happily feeling the nervousness fade away.

"Just wanted to let you know what was going on I will talk to you later" She says cheerfully.

"Ok thanks for the call"

I hang up the phone I change into the outfit that I got from shopping today and head out to meet up with the guys.


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