-Relentless Rain-

Start from the beginning

"Yeah it's me" I sigh feeling all of the adrenaline leave my system.

"Holy crap" He laughs despite the situation.

I look down when I feel Amelia pulling on my pant leg bending down to her eye level I wince seeing her eyes all glazed over.

"Where's Nikolai"? She demands grabbing me by my shoulders.

I cringe they killed Nikolai when they grabbed us a week ago I remember begging them not to kill him.

"Amelia remember Nikolai is died they killed him when they took us" I remind her.

Her face crumples into grief same way it does everyday I have to remind her he's dead.

"Who's Nikolai"? Jason asks quietly.

"Our translator. When they grabbed us, they killed him something about them not wanting us to know what they were saying" I tell him blinking back tears of my own.

I sit back on my knees when something damp on my head makes me pause I touch my head and shiver when my finger tips come away bloody.

"When did that happen"? I ask out loud touching my forehead again.

I open my eyes- wait were they closed? Jason is kneeling in front of me now he's looking at the cut on my head. He carefully holds a gauze square to the cut to hopefully slow the bleeding down because head injuries bleed a lot more than injuries on other places on the body. His head snaps up suddenly more alert.

"You got a visual"? He asks into his radio.

Another pause as he listens to his headset. Jason switches places with the southern accented guy he holds the bandage to my head.

"I'm Sonny" He smiles.

"Nice to meet you Sonny" I smile back.

"You might need some stitches" He comments taping the gauze to my head.

I nod my head slowly.

"Alright we gotta move the Bulgarians are on the move" Jason states.

Two of them fashion a make shift stretcher for Matt that way they can carry him, Amelia and I stick together Andy is with Sonny. Amelia is close to passing out completely I'm not far off myself after being awake for days no food or water. We sneak back the way the guys must have snuck in until we get to the vehicles.

"Bravo 1 to havoc base passing Davidson I repeat passing Davidson" Jason says into his radio.

I must have passed out because the next thing I'm aware of someone is shaking my shoulder opening my eyes it's Jason.

"You gonna sleep all day Rollins"? Jason grins.

"Jason I've been awake for days. Why are you waking me up"? I grumble blinking at him.

His eyes soften as he helps me get out of the car.

"We have to get on the plane" He chuckles.

"Yes ok yep I'm up" I nod still annoyed by the blood I feel on my eyebrow.

I walk with Jason onto the C1-30 only to have a tall brown haired woman stop dead right in front of me asking a flurry of questions.

"Mandy! Lay off she's been up for days" Sonny pipes up off to my left somewhere.

"What do you want to know" I ask through my teeth.

"What happened" This Mandy chick demands.

"I'll tell you. I was teaching a profiling course when our group was stopped in the market place, my translator was shot and killed on the spot. We were taken to a house not sure where it was, another one of my group mates was stabbed just for kicks. They kept us in that hole for days, interrogating us for days wanting American intel. Amelia probably has a concussion, Andy is so sleep deprived he's barely said a word and Matt lost half the blood he had in his body" I explain slowly and carefully.

"Then there's me. No food, no sleep because every night the man in charge would come in and threaten Amelia Matt and Andy with everything under the sun- there that's what happened" I snap bodily pushing past her.

I plant myself between Andy and Amelia. Sonny walks over adjusting a Texas ball cap on his head.

"Didn't get your name back there" He says to me.

"Mackenzie Rollins" I lean my head back to stop the blood from getting in my eyes.

"Head wounds bleed a lot" He comments dryly.

"Yes they do" I nod.

"So Ms Rollins you know our boy Jason" Sonny grins warmly.

"Yeah best friends all through high school. We drifted after that and it's the funniest thing I've been meaning to track him down for a while" I tell him looking over at Jason.

"How about that. Hey Trent her head is still bleeding you wanna take a look" Sonny calls over his shoulder.

Another man walks over and kneels down in front of where I'm sitting.

"How's Matt"? I ask Trent.

"Stable. The information you gave us was really helpful" He replies while examining my head.

"Good" I smile.

My eyes must have closed on their own because Sonny isn't next to me and neither is Amelia someone else is sitting in her seat. I peek with one eye it's Jason.

"Hey" I say keeping my eyes closed.

"It's good to see you Rollins" He says our shoulders touching.

"It is so good to see you Jason. I've been trying to track you down but then I got sent to Bulgaria" I tell him enjoying the warmth coming off his arm next to mine.

"You were saying that Keeli would come in every night threatening the others. You stopped" He points out gently.

"He would give me an ultimatum it was them or me, I'm in charge of them so I told him he could talk to me all he wanted to as long as he left them alone" I sigh opening my eyes seeing the same caring brown eyes.

I guess crushes never really go away.

"Wow what did they want"? He asks.

"I'm a highly trained profiler and could have found things out Keeli could have used to either blackmail or whatever else" I shrug plainly.

"His own personal lie detector" Jason says.

I nod.

"Your safe now" He says putting a hand on my knee.

"Yeah until my boss gets a hold of me" I mutter.

Jason chuckles a little bit too shaking his head.

"It won't be that bad"

Another man walks over to us Jason straightens up maybe his boss or commanding officer.

"Rollins this is commander Blackburn"

"Mackenzie Rollins" I shake his hand.

"Good to see you and your people are alright" Blackburn says.

"All thanks to you and these guys" I say glancing at Jason.

"Just doing our jobs" Blackburn dodges the compliment still smiling though.


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