"That's not how today went," Reagan protested. "We didn't do anything. And it's not like it really matters. He's staying in Seattle for an extra two days because they cancelled a few tour dates in the Netherlands."

"Ooh, sounds like it's your lucky day. But hey, I still don't believe you. You turn into a mega-slut around that dude. But in a good way," Chris said nonchalantly, waving her hand conversationally through the air as she spoke.

Reagan huffed, but didn't refuse a smile, knowing it would make Chris happy even though her insinuations were completely wrong.

Reagan was telling the truth and whether Chris believed her or not didn't change it. Earlier that morning when Nirvana had arrived back in Seattle, Reagan had of course immediately met up with Dave and spent the next several hours at his side. They had not been truly alone though, having decided to hang out with Krist and Shelli while Kurt did his own thing in solace. This had not seemed to dampen their reunion, not when Dave had managed to score extra time to spend with Reagan before the tour resumed.

So the day had continued on with the four of them hanging out, catching up over lunch just outside of Seattle's downtown area. Dave and Krist had regaled Shelli and Reagan with a wide variety of funny anecdotes from the tour, decidedly leaving out any parts that might have explained the grumpy look on Kurt's face when they'd gotten home.

From the moment she'd seen him, Reagan had had a strange hunch about what was plaguing Kurt so badly, but she didn't want to dwell on it. The fact that her theory inevitably had to do with drug use was enough to make her want to put it out of mind, at least for the sake of enjoying her limited time with Dave.

As soon as she had caught her first glimpse of Dave, her first true glimpse since September, she had felt her heart soar. The troubles with her morning sickness seemed far away as she'd charged into his arms and kissed him, feeling triumphed to have made it through one long month without him. The reunion had been perfect, better than Reagan had imagined. When she had pulled away from their initial hug to stare into his eyes, she'd felt relieved to have the same person she loved back in her embrace. As far as she could tell, nothing had changed about him.

While the miniature celebration with Krist and Shelli did not exactly equate to privacy for the two of them, Reagan had nonetheless felt an immense appreciation in being around their humble spirits. Watching Dave and Krist feed off of each-other's contorted sense of humor alone was magical. They had made her laugh endlessly, a feeling she had sorely missed while sick.

The attention during the gathering had at one point even been wheeled like a spotlight onto Reagan, as they all three inquired about her new job and if she was liking it. She told them with sincerity that she did, trying to make her usual work day at DGC sound interesting. But in reality, it sounded like boring work even to Reagan, who in truth found it be to a great job. While she reiterated how she usually got stuck answering phone calls or waiting on the demands of A&R folk, Dave still beamed proudly at her like she'd been singlehandedly running the country instead.

Together Shelli and Reagan had accompanied both men back to the Paramount Theater for their sound check. Kurt had already arrived at that point and looked frazzled as he stood in the shadows of the stage, smoking a whole pack of cigarettes down to his fingertips.

"Is he okay?" Reagan had asked gently as Dave twirled a rogue drumstick in his hand, waiting for rehearsal to start. She had barely spoken to Kurt, exchanging only a few words with him about his new love interest, Courtney. He'd promised that Reagan would meet her soon — the mentioning of her name was the only thing that had brought a shred of light into his otherwise dulled eyes.

"He's fine," Dave had murmured back, seeming to want to end the conversation immediately. Once again, Reagan had known with an intuitive tug in her gut that something was wrong. Kurt was doing something wrong, and while that something strongly pointed to his previous sly affair with drug use, Reagan wanted to believe that it was out of the question.

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