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"Hmm, 221b? I wonder what's so special about the person that lives here, he can't be ordinary, Moriarty wouldn't be interested in him if he was ordinary." My hand came into contact with cold wooden door, an elderly woman's voice saying the words i believed to be,coming, but you never know.

The door swung open to, my deductions correct, an elderly woman, though not too much where she needed a crutch to walk, but not as young and spry, she couldn't be here by herself but she was widowed meaning she most likely wouldn't be dating, or at least not the men from upstairs with the clue cologne, seriously, who where's that stuff and isn't crazy.

"Why hello, you must be here to go on that date with John." John? That was such a boring name, like something some from the military would have, "Ms.Hudson, is that mary?" Ms? I knew it, widowed, Ms.Hudson gave me a look as if asking if i was this so called Mary?, i smiled at her which she mistakingly took as a yes.

"John's upstairs dear, the first door you see." I nodded to her, walking up the creaking stairs, the door carelessly left open, "Mary your her- you're not Mary." "You're just getting that now smart one, please don't tell me you're the one I'm here to see." I closed the door behind me just in case something was about to go down, which it was since i pulled out my gun.

"John who are you talking to?" Another man walked in, a silk robe on, gray shirt, pajama pants on, concealed gun and greatly smarter than John, "ahh, so im here to see you sir, please don't grab your gun or im going to have to kill you and your friend and that'll be quite boring to say in the least."

The man looked like a deer in headlights, seriously, what is up with these two? "Sherlock, she's obviously here to see you, what did you do this time?" Wait, wait, wait, sherlock? "Sherlock?" The man sipped at his tea "Sherlock Holmes, Consulting Detective." My eyes went wide, then i cracked up laughing "oh god, thank you for that jim, it's been forever Sherlock, (name) (last name), consulting criminal for Jim Moriarty."

Sherlock tilted his head slightly, "(name)?, your working for Moriarty?" John looked around confused and worried, wanting the gun to stop pointing at him, "oh come on doctor shorty, its just a water gun." I squirted him in the face as Sherlock gave me an angry look.

"Come on have some fun Sherlock, your not going live that long anyways, oh by the way, how has mr. Cakes been since school, still have the shame of me knocking him out?" Sherlock let out a small laugh "Mr.Cakes is on a diet actually, and when i mention it he does." "Okay who are you and why are you here?" "Old colleague of Sherlock's, well not colleague but later, evil mastermind working with Moriarty, that he just so happened to go to school with." An evil grin plastered on my face as i walked to Sherlock.

"You could say that now that im here, im a bit more... Hmm Sherlocked? Lets combine the Science of Deduction and the Science of Destruction, add a bit of crazy with some sugar on top and you get me... We'll keep in touch Sherlock, oh question before i go, i don't need an answer, but did you enjoy the fireworks last night? They really gave off an explosion."

I turned to leave but John stopped me, "your not going anywhere, we're taking you to Scotland Yard." I Squirted him with water again and slipped out the door before he could catch me. "Have fun, Sherlock."

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