Chapter 7

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My hands are shaking and my heart jackhammers in my chest. Sam and I have been dating for two weeks and today is the day when I'll meet his family.

We are having dinner with his parents in his childhood home.

As I step out of Sam's car he takes my hand in his, his smile is encouraging.

"Why are you so nervous, Luna?" he whispers kissing my cheek.

"I feel like a teen." A giggle escapes. "What if they don't like me?" I voice my fears.

"Not possible, I like you and so will they. Believe me."

Sam turns and guides me to his parents' front doors ringing a bell.

An older woman opens the door beaming at us.

"Come in, come in."

"Hey, Mom." Sam hugs his mom and stepping back, slides his arm around my middle dragging me in his side. "Mom, this is Luna. Luna, this is my mom."

I extend my hand and she immediately shakes it.

"Call me Ella, please." She smiles warmly. "Dad has been ecstatic whole morning," Ella says turning towards Sam who frowns lightly.


"You'll see." She winks at him and heads deeper into the house. We follow her lead and soon enter the kitchen.

The house is warm and welcoming, a bit outdated in furnishing, but clean and clearly well kept. In the kitchen, my attention sags on the man closing the fridge.

"Hey, Luna." He beams at me as my mouth hangs open and I blink trying to put two and two together.

"Thomas?" I don't know if I should smile or frown.

"Come here." He smirks, opening his arms.

Sam's eyes are so big they might pop out of his head, but Ella just smirks knowingly.

A laugh escapes me as I rush towards my dearest friend and savior and wrap my arms around him as he hugs me back.

"What the...? I'm a bit lost." Sam chuckles uncomfortably behind me.

Releasing Thomas, I step back and look from Sam to his dad.

"You want to explain or should I?" Thomas stage whispers.

My smile is from ear to ear as I settle my eyes on Sam.

"He's the one who saved me." I nod my head towards his dad. "The man from the library."

We have talked about my previous life and how a stranger helped me when no one else even saw me. The possibility of his dad being this person didn't even cross my mind when Sam said his dad's name is Thomas. It is a pretty common name.

Sam's eyes travel from his dad to me as a smile finally forms on his lips.

"The moment you said you've met a girl named Luna I had my suspicions," Thomas adds. "Since I got the apartment for Luna near your cafe, I thought the chances of her being another Luna is slim."

Taking the few steps across the kitchen Sam hugs his dad tapping a few times on the other man's back.

"Thank you, Dad. For caring and for putting her in my path," Sam mumbles, stepping back.

"I had my hopes. That's why I sent you the crossword puzzles daily, for the last year." Thomas shrugs, smirking.

Shaking my head, I laugh out loud and Thomas' laughter joins mine.

"You set us up." I accuse laughing, but as I look at Sam, his expression is full of wonder and pure joy. "What?" I laugh again.

Gathering me in his arms Sam lifts me off the ground spinning me around.

"I knew I would love your laughter." He beams at me and I beam at him.

"Okay, okay. Why don't we move to the living room?" Ella suggests and I glance her way. Her smile is radiant, and so is Thomas'.

"Welcome to the family, Luna." Thomas nods at me.

It has been happening for weeks. My heart and soul have been filling with love and joy and life. And now, at this moment, they are full. I'm happy. I'm warm.

The end.

A/N: One look, one kind word, one selfless gesture can make all the difference in the world for someone who's down.

Spread the love and it will return to you seven-fold.


Thank you for reading Luna's story. I hope you enjoyed it. Your votes and comments mean the world to me and help other readers find Luna.

With love and gratitude,

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