Soz Guys

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soz guys in the last chapter i ment a different girl Called jordan did!!! soz!


Everyday since that EVIL Jordan shot my sister i would think that it was all my falt because i think it was. i was the one who wanted to go to that mueseam and my sister ellie didnt want to go but i made her and.............ahhhhhh its all my fault! :(

i honetly think that  jordan ment to kill my sister just because well this may sound stupid but i had one direction EVERYTHING and it looked like Jordan didnt have any so she got jelous and shot Ellie. i think this because Jordan has ANGER MANAGEMENT ISSUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I mean now that i think about it, it all makes sense. Or NO! im just being stupid!!!


Niall could see te confused look on my face and asked me what was wrong! i told him everything again and he had his jaw dropped down to his toes!!! he saw the tears running down my cheeks so he wiped them away and then kissed me. "We better go to the hospital to check on Justin and Sophie" he said, of course i agreed. we got to the hospital when i saw a ed roll in beside Justins. i recognised that face from somewhere and then i saw the name on the bed.



OHHHHHH CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wats gonna happen next??? oxoxoox

plz read my bffs book Dreams.  and my other book it starts with a sleep over!!!

78 READS!!!!!!! WOW may not seem alot but its alot to me!!!! plz tell every1 u know about tis and tell them to read it!!!!! thx xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxox

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