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Valerie felt something was wrong with her body almost immediately, yet it was nothing compared to the pain she had suffered through in her youth as a teenager growing up as a child soldier.

Head spinning with a taste of blood on her lips, she let out a whimper of pain as she fell onto her knees while habitually holding in her agonizing screams of pain.

She briefly felt her skin harden, as the feeling of her magic wildly going out-of-control momentarily scared her more than the physical changes she was going through at the moment. Clenching her teeth, she tried to calm herself, successfully reigning in her pulsating and out-of-control magic.

"Shit." She swore under her breath.

She laid on the floor exhausted and slightly out of breath... quite literally as she no longer felt the need to naturally breathe as often anymore.

Dragging her tongue across her sharpened and elongated fangs, she sprawled out in defeat.

She could never be normal.

Be a normal human? Failed.

Be a normal witch? Definitely failed.

Now a witch-human-vampire hybrid...? Whatever... she gave up.

Time passed without fail, and Valerie Potter completed her vampire inheritance.

An inheritance no one thought would affect her as it had skipped the three previous generations before her. Was this the power of her cursed "Potter Luck" or something else?


Valerie quietly admired her reflection, all of her "imperfections" caused by not getting enough nutrients growing up, her previous stunted short height of 5'2" shot up 4 more inches thanks to the inheritance. The little freckles on her face disappeared leaving no blemishes and smooth clear skin behind with even her no longer cursed lighting bolt scar disappearing. Other than her hair growing and her slightly crooked teeth straightening up and whitening, nothing really changed. She was still herself with a few minor glow-ups, leaving her sighing in relief.

Seeing as her clothes no longer fit her now healthy and taller body, she temporarily magicked her clothes to fit her properly as she would have to go shopping for a new wardrobe soon.

She took a step and all of a sudden she zoomed across the room almost slamming into the wall... it seems she has to get used to her newly found speed. She laid her hand casually on the wall when it suddenly went through the wall...super-strength as well...great...just great.

-A few hours later-

Valerie slowly and gently sat on her barstool ignoring the 3 broken ones on the floor that she would have to magically repair later. She smiled victoriously.


She laid in the pile of broken furniture and silently cursed her ancestors, whichever one it was. She'll find out later.


After successfully walking at a normal pace and leaving her poor furniture in one piece, she made her way to the family library so she could find her bastard ancestor who started the vampire inheritance properly.

"Vampires." She asked the bookshelf as it helpfully presented her a book. Magic was awesome at times like these.

"Ignotus Peverell: The Cursed Bloodline, The Origins"

Valerie stared at the page in slight shock, that name surprised her. The Invisibility Cloak. Her mind provided her.

Tracing the familiar symbol on the corner of the page, she felt a sudden sting and reflexively yanked her somehow burning wrist. She stared at the 'Deathly Hallows Symbol' engraved into her skin on her wrist before it faded away as quickly as it came.

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