~Chapter 3~

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Edit- Oh, also I forgot to say thanks for all the support! I originally didn't expect people to actually like my horrible writing skills, and I just... Thank you all so much! :3

[Me while typing this chapter- We DoN't CaRe, We DoN't CaRe, WhEn YoU cAlL oUr NaMe-]

~In a void thingy and soon FairyTale~

Brandeen let out a small grunt as he was rocked slightly. The Demi-god rolled over only to find that wherever he was lacking any physical proportions in the slightest.

The youngest son of Ares's eyes flew open, and he quickly looked around for any possible sign of anyone else. After he didn't see any of his fellow Demi-gods he instantly decided to not make a fool out of himself and call out for anybody. I mean, if you couldn't see people that meant there were no people there.

His crimson eyes narrowed in confusion as he flipped through the black space-like area and was met by a bright, glowing, white orb of light. Before he questioned it some more his head once again shot to once again gaze at his surroundings, double-checking for any sign of Daveed, Jakey, or just anyone else in general. After coming out unsuccessful once again Brandeen groaned softly, turning to look back at the white glowing orb, only to realize that it was practically on top of him.

The white-haired male let out an unnaturally shrill shriek of surprise as his body was pulled into it, almost against his will. As Brandeen entered the mass of magical energy a strong pain shot through his body, which caused him to jolt from the not so physical contact.

Then, as quickly as he woke up he felt his senses begin to drain from his body. Suddenly it all flooded back, as well as a bunch of blinding color as Brandeen's body slammed on a rough wooden floor. Before the son of Ares could even muster to reply to his shock a pile of other people also flooded through the spiraling mass above him, and landing square onto him.

Brandeen couldn't help but gag due to the pressure on his stomach, which was followed by panicked voices, and aggressive snarling. He felt as the weight was swiftly and rolled over clutching his abdomen as if his life depended on it. Then, a hand flashed to his shoulder followed by a panicked voice, "Brandeen, Brandeen are you okay?"

Brandeen slowly opened his eyes to meet Jakey face to face. "Yeah, I'm fine..." he rolled into a sitting position, "You all just crushed my gut a little..." Jakey apologized quietly and assisted the taller demi-god, who at first didn't want his help, but hastily gave in after trying to stand up by himself and utterly failing.

"What are you doing in The Protector's guild?" A loud voice shrieked from the other side of the room, a voice that sounded a lot like Xylo, one of the sons of Hades. As Brandeen whipped around he finally noticed the other demi-gods that had come into the portal with him were all in either battle stances or cowering behind the obviously bolder demi-gods. The small group was facing another much smaller group, the other group consisted of a cat on two legs, a short, cowering bluenette, and brunettes, one a boy and the other a girl.

The brunette who looked too similar to Bryan to the point where it was incredibly uncomfortable darted forward, "Don't worry, I'll protect the guild!" his eyes narrowed and his chest puffed up, he was ultimately aiming in Brandeen and Jakey's direction. "Fire Dragon Roar!"

A large, right flame erupted from Bryan's look-a-like's mouth and shot right towards the two demi-gods. Now, in the past, Jakey could've just used his water magic to put it out, but... now that he'd discovered his true heritage he can't even look at it without being visually uncomfortable and flinching away from every flame.

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